Pir Sabzali: "Hearing the farman, their eyes brimmed over with tears of joy"
The Nizari Ismailis of Central Asia (Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Northern Areas of Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Xinjiang province of China, and northeastern parts of Iran) living amidst the prohibitive Pamir, Hindu Kush, and Karakorum mountain ranges, have been historically isolated from other Ismaili communities. They were further isolated in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by political powers. These communities, who were deprived ...
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Environmental sustainability: Restoring the natural world
Global -- In a recent poem by Jordan Sanchez, Reimagine, Recreate, Restore, she reminds us, "We are a fraction of a second in Earth's lifetime, yet she is our only lifeline." In an effort to align with this thinking, Ismaili youth, governmental and civil society institutions, and AKDN agencies in Pakistan are working hand-in-hand to reimagine our lifestyles, recreate our approaches, ...
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Os nossos projetos recentes de maior impacto
Portugal -- A comemorar os 25 anos da FOCUS Europa! Este ano, a FOCUS Assistência Humanitária Europa assinala o seu 25º aniversário. Seja a responder a desastres naturais nas regiões montanhosas mais isoladas do mundo, seja a prestar apoio de emergência a populações afetadas pela guerra civil, seja a dar a mão a migrantes para que possam construir um futuro mais ...
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Fostering global citizenship through dialogue
Global -- On 12 June 2014 in Lisbon, Portugal, Mawlana Hazar Imam highlighted the significance of effective dialogue in building bridges across diverse frontiers and combating a clash of ignorance. In line with the Imam's emphasis on the power of dialogue in uniting humanity and offering pathways towards resolving conflict, the Aga Khan Education Board for the United Arab Emirates presents ...
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Aga Khan Master Musicians atuam no Festival das Artes
Portugal -- No passado dia 21 de julho, os Aga Khan Master Musicians atuaram no Anfiteatro Colina de Camões, em Coimbra, por ocasião da 12ª Edição do Festival das Artes QuebraJazz e que contou com a presença do Príncipe Amyn Aga Khan. EBasel Rajoub, Feras Charestan, Jasser Haj Youssef e Andrea Piccioni representaram o Ensemble e atuaram em conjunto com artistas ...
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Science has no boundaries at Aga Khan School in Osh
Global -- Dr Sadru Damji, a TKN volunteer based in Toronto, Canada, recently led an interactive and exciting online chemistry class in May 2021 for a group of grade 11 students at the Aga Khan School in Osh, Kyrgyzstan. As part of the Aga Khan Education Service's strategic initiative to enhance the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) offering at the ...
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English4All - A importância de aprender inglês
Portugal -- O inglês é uma das línguas mais faladas globalmente, possibilitando o contacto entre pessoas de todos os cantos do mundo. Conheça as principais razões para aprender inglês e que levaram à criação do English4All, um projeto do Aga Khan Education Board (AKEB). Desde cedo que ouvimos pessoas a comunicar, a falar e a expressar-se em inglês. Ao longo dos ...
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Découvre les STEM tout en t'amusant
France -- Le Global STEM Festival est une merveilleuse occasion pour les élèves du Jamat d'explorer et de développer des compétences dans les domaines des sciences, de la technologie, de l'ingénierie et des mathématiques. Le Global STEM Festival est l'occasion pour les jeunes de 5 à 18 ans d'explorer les sciences, la technologie, l'ingénierie et les mathématiques (STEM), en créant et ...
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Descubra a STEM enquanto se diverte
Portugal -- O Festival Global STEM é uma oportunidade maravilhosa para os estudantes dentro do Jamat explorarem e desenvolverem competências dentro da ciência, tecnologia, engenharia e matemática. O Festival Global STEM é uma oportunidade para os jovens dos 5-18 anos de idade explorarem a Ciência, Tecnologia, Engenharia e Matemática (STEM), criando e apresentando os seus projetos para o Jamat global - ...
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Descubre STEM mientras te diviertes
Portugal -- El Festival Global STEM es una magnífica oportunidad para que los estudiantes del Jamat exploren y desarrollen sus habilidades en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas. El Festival Global STEM es una oportunidad para que los jóvenes de entre 5 y 18 años exploren la ciencia, la tecnología, la ingeniería y las matemáticas (STEM), creando y mostrando proyectos al Jamat ...
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Entdecke MINT und machen gleichzeitig Spaß
UK -- Das Globale MINT-Festival ist ein wunderschöne Gelegenheit für Studierende in der Jamat, den Bereichen Wissenschaft, Technologie, Ingenieurwissenschaft und Mathematik zu erfahren und neue Fähigkeiten darin zu entwickeln. Das Global STEM Festival ist eine Gelegenheit für Jugendliche im Alter von 5-18 Jahren, Mathematik Ingenieurwissenschaft, Naturwissenschaft und Technologie (MINT) zu erkunden, indem sie virtuelle Projekte für das globale Jamat erstellen und ...
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VIDEO: "Adapting to a Changing World" (FOCUS USA)
For over 25 years, Focus Humanitarian Assistance USA has been working with remote and mountainous communities to prepare for the changing world around us. Our resilient communities live in remarkable and sometimes threatening environments. Along with the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, FOCUS USA and our partner communities work together to build resilience in the face of any crisis. ...
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VIDEO: Delivering girls' education where the risks are high
This event brings together key stakeholders in girls' education to engage in the launch of a new report, 'Delivering girls' education where the risks are high: Key priorities for programming in fragile contexts'. The report collates successes and learnings shared by over 200 representatives from international non-governmental organisations (INGOs), local NGOs, researchers, funders, and policy makers who participated in AKF's virtual conference in ...
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Think of Ismaili Digest as the Front Page of all the best Ismaili websites! Ismaili Digest automatically and continuously brings together all new articles, photos, videos, etc. from Ismaili websites -- like The Ismaili, Simerg, IIS, NanoWisdoms, AKDN, Ismailimail, etc. -- so you can see them all at once. Direct links to over 15,000 web-pages from the best Ismaili websites already available. Ismaili Digest saves you (and those who are not tech savvy, such as seniors) the effort of having to visit them one by one to keep up to date, or have your inbox cluttered with emails from each of them when they publish new content. In a busy world, our sense of belonging to our community sometimes tends to wither and fade (particularly for isolated Jamati members). We hope Ismaili Digest's simplicity and comprehensiveness will help you feel connected as well as feel the local and global pulse of the community. Like many other non-commercial, public-service thematic website aggregators, Ismaili Digest is just a thematic aggregator. We publish short 50-60 word digests of all their content and provide direct links to their original pages saving you time, extra page loads and clicks. For the website publishers, direct links ensure they'll get the maximum number of potential visitors reaching their content so their hard work gets the maximum exposure. Also featured are other important articles, research and opinions relevant to the community's well being, intellectual growth, best practises and administration. And all served with a drop of humour as well, because "we are a community that welcomes the smile!" Ismaili Digest is not associated with any private Ismaili website, whether aggregated by Ismaili Digest or not. All websites Ismaili Digest aggregates are independent websites run by their individual owners and we are not responsible for content they publish. |