John Mearsheimer on why the West is principally responsible for the Ukrainian crisis
ECONOMIST.COM -- THE ECONOMIST -- [ISMAILI DIGEST ED: While we normally do not post on political matters, we are posting on the situation in Ukraine because it is an invaluable case study about Big Tech and Western media. ~~ Hazar Imam, 1996: "Even as the press has become more international, it has often left a trail of misunderstanding in its wake."] ARTICLE: The mainstream view in the West is that Vladimir Putin is an irrational, out-of-touch aggressor bent on creating a greater Russia. Thus, he alone bears full responsibility for the Ukraine crisis. But that story is wrong. The West, and especially America, is principally responsible for the crisis. The trouble over Ukraine started at NATO's Bucharest summit in April 2008, when the Bush administration pushed the alliance to announce that Ukraine and Georgia "will become members". The prevailing mantra in the West, portrays NATO expansion as irrelevant to the Ukraine crisis. The issue at hand is not what Western leaders say NATO's purpose or intentions are; it is how Moscow sees NATO's actions. None of this should be controversial. Prominent American foreign-policy experts have warned against NATO expansion for decades. America's Secretary of Defence at the time of the Bucharest summit ...
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Candace Owens Goes Viral With Response To New York Times Reporter's Email Citing, Yup, The New York Times
DAILYWIRE.COM -- [ISMAILI DIGEST ED: While we normally do not post on political matters, we are posting on the situation in Ukraine because it is an invaluable case study about Big Tech and Western media.] ARTICLE: "Hi there, I'm writing from The New York Times," an email from the reporter to Candace Owens started. "We note that you advanced the idea that Ukraine was a corrupt country, which matched comments we've seen from Russian state media," it continued. "I'm very confused by this email," Owens responded. "I educated myself about both the neo-Nazi problem in Ukraine and the unyielding corruption by reading your newspaper, not Russian state media. You guys have covered the corruption in Ukraine extensively. Here is a piece from the NYT Editorial Board titled, 'Ukraine's Unyielding Corruption.' Here are some more past articles written from reputable sources over the past few years about the corruption and neo-Nazi problem in Ukraine," Owens wrote. She also provided screengrabs ...
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Time to assume that health research is fraudulent until proven otherwise?
BMJ.COM -- BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL -- [ISMAILI DIGEST ED: Note that this recent article, by a former Editor of the BMJ itself (and also quoting previous BMJ Editors), seriously doubting the quality of all medical research, was published by the BMJ which is, arguably, one of the world's top three medical journals.] ARTICLE: I've been concerned about research fraud for 40 years [and] think that the time may have come to assume that research is fraudulent until there is evidence it happened and is honestly reported. Six years ago Ian Roberts also wrote about the problem in The BMJ with the provocative title: "The knowledge system underpinning healthcare is not fit for purpose and must change." Everybody gains from the publication game, concluded Roberts, except the patients suffering from treatments based on fraudulent data. Stephen Lock, my predecessor as editor of The BMJ, became worried about research fraud in the 1980s and, 40 years on from Lock's concerns, we are realising that the problem is huge, the system encourages fraud, The business model of journals and publishers depends ...
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The illusion of evidence based medicine
BMJ.COM -- BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL -- [ISMAILI DIGEST ED: The British Medical Journal (BMJ) is, arguably, one of the world's top three medical journals.] ARTICLE: Evidence based medicine depends on reliable data from clinical trials, most of which are conducted by the pharmaceutical industry and reported in the names of senior academics. Previously confidential industry documents have provided insight to the degree that industry sponsored clinical trials are misrepresented. Until this problem is corrected, evidence based medicine will remain an illusion. Medicine is dominated by a few very large pharmaceutical companies which suppress negative trial results, fail to report adverse events, and does not share raw data with the academic research community. Regulators receive funding from industry and use industry funded and performed trials to approve drugs, without in most cases seeing the raw data. In essence, drug companies "mark their own homework" rather than ...
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Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS)
Poetry at the Aga Khan Centre and the IIS
News story -- On World Poetry Day, Dr Karim Javan, Research Associate, and Naureen Ali, Cataloguer and Adlib Officer in the IIS's Ismaili Special Collections Unit, discover poetry in the walls at the AKC, in the manuscripts housed at the IIS, and in today's Nawruz celebrations. Today marks World Poetry Day, introduced by UNESCO to celebrate linguistic diversity through poetic expression, honour ...
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Religious Architecture: The Chamber Church, China
ARCHDAILY.COM -- The ChamberChurch aims to create a spatial container that both respects the past and looks towards the future. It provides a religious experience and secular touch. To create a modern icon, we needed to create a pure shape, that's still evokes the archetype of a church. The design echoes the memories associated with them, but interprets them in a timeless modernity creating a sense of the future. The design still features the classic components associated with a church, but abstracted. The landscape part of the exterior features an artificial lake to ...
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Religious Architecture: Yasamkent Mosque, Turkey
ARCHDAILY.COM -- Yasamkent mosque in this respect represents a research towards creating a sense of consciousness towards creating a peaceful continuity between traditional and modern values of cultural accumulation. Located in a relatively small plot within the new development area of Ankara, Yasamkent mosque is the search for balance between open and closed areas, modesty and expression, identity and convention as well as modernity and tradition. The reinforced concrete and glass, the abstract and solid geometries, modest simplicity and minimalist architectural attitude directly refers to a contemporary architectural language whereas abstract Kufic expression of the minaret, as well as ...
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Religious Architecture: Lagares Church, Portugal
ARCHDAILY.COM -- Designing a church seems to us to be an ideal instrument in searching for a symbolic, mystical and expressive dimension. As history has taught us, the alliance between art and religion offers mankind unique, magical and exalting moments that enrich life, mind and soul. The church, as a material construction and human representation of the Divine, plays a very important role in the development of sensibility. For believers and lay people, it is a living sign that conveys a transcendent meaning that makes us look beyond what we see, and take time to feel our lives at a deeper level. The first impressions and ideas emerged ...
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Religious Architecture: Wong Dai Sin Temple, Canada
ARCHDAILY.COM -- The Wong Dai Sin Temple houses a dynamic Taoist community committed to their inner spiritual development through the ancient physical practice of tai chi. The Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism needed a new spiritual home in suburban Toronto that had to reflect not only the heart and soul of their religious beliefs but also the modern contemporary world of their congregants. The daily worship of one of the world's ancient religion of Taoism is embedded in the fabric of this modern sacred space. This new temple building demonstrates asymmetry and counterbalance while maintaining its equilibrium much like a measured tai chi pose. Inside the ...
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Religious Architecture: Saint-Charbel Church, Lebanon
ARCHDAILY.COM -- Located in a site steeped in history, the challenge consisted of implementing a new larger church without overshadowing the smaller 18th-century chapel with its limestone vault structure. The roof of the church, an outdoor amphitheater cascading down towards the historical edifice, is suspended between two monolithic fair-faced concrete skeletons, punctuated by two big olive trees, ready to be covered with layers of green climbers. With its interior height ranging from 3m to 10m, the church enables a transcendental spatial experience that is further enhanced ...
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Teachers and Teaching of Religion -- BoAI Vol #1
GOOGLE.COM -- [ISMAILI DIGEST ED: Hazar Imam, 2003: "Education must also stimulate students to consider a variety of perspectives on some of the fundamental questions posed by the human condition: 'What is truth?' 'What is reality?' and 'What are my duties to my fellow man, to my country and to God?'"] ARTICLE: Today [1944] the whole world is convinced of the importance of teaching religion in schools. But this task can be made very difficult if our schools were dominated by non-Ismaili staff. As a Christian educationist warned: "We have had evidence that, in some instances, the attitude of individual administrators and educators may be aggressively opposed to religion in any form [and] lack of agreement on deeper questions makes the task of moral education immensely more difficult when members of the staff of the school entertain different views regarding the ultimate meaning and purpose of life." ... I cannot refrain from commenting on the tendency of the heads of the schools of treating religion as "just another subject." This attitude is most harmful especially if ...
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Amelia's Jewel continues to sparkle
Siyouni two-year-old takes Group 3 to remain unbeaten. Already a Stakes winner on debut two weeks ago, Amelia's Jewel showed a blistering level of speed to take the 1100m Gr.3 Gimcrack Stakes at Perth's Ascot Racecourse on Saturday. The SIYOUNI two-year-old, owned and bred by Peter Walsh of Amelia Park Racing, won going away by two-and-a-half lengths. She remains favourite for ...
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Springtime: Celebrating new beginnings
Global -- In Tajikistan, Navroz is a four-day public holiday and an opportunity for families to come together in celebration of traditions, particularly with the youngest members of the family. According to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), parents play a particularly key role in influencing development in the early years. In order to support young families, the Aga Khan Education ...
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Editorial - Boletín del jamat de España, n. 6
Portugal -- Con ocasión de Nowruz/Navroz, hoy 21 de marzo de 2022, lanzamos el sexto número del Boletín del Jamat de España [English] Querido Jamat de España, Ya Ali Madad, Como musulmanes de la comunidad shiʿí imamí ismailí el 21 de marzo celebramos Nowruz (que literalmente significa Nuevo Día), fecha que marca el comienzo de la primavera, así como el año ...
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Editorial Newsletter of the Spain Jamat, No. 6
Portugal -- On the occasion of Nowruz/Navroz, today 21st March 2022, we launch the sixth issue of the Spain Jamat Newsletter [Spanish] Dear Spain Jamat, Ya Ali Madad, As Shiʿi Imami Ismaili Muslims, on March 21st we celebrate Nowruz (which literally means new day), a date that marks the beginning of spring, as well as the new year in several countries. ...
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Global Encounter Internships
Portugal -- The Global Encounters Internship Programme, inaugurated in 2019, assists post-secondary students and young professionals on their trajectories towards a life characterized by competent leadership, pluralistic understanding, and humanity-driven action. The Internship Programme is open to university students and recent graduates. This is an opportunity for individuals to develop professional skills, build their resume with hands-on experiences at excellent institutions, ...
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Navroz - A Celebration
Portugal -- Our editorial has covered the meaning of Navroz and its genesis. However, we wanted to get personal, to actually reach out to members of the Angola Jamat and find out from them, young and old, what Navroz means to them, what they do to celebrate it, and what they wish for this year's Persian New Year. Ali Khan Campos, ...
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Two Sufi Tales
Portugal -- The Frogs and Four Towns [Spanish] The FrogsA group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. All the other frogs gathered around the pit. When they saw how deep the pit was, they told the unfortunate frogs they would never get out. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried ...
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Creations from Ta´lim primary students
Portugal -- Dunia, Farshed, Farzood, Nalina, Naya, (eight to ten years old), Bernardo and Ali Mohamad (twelve to thirteen years old) are primary Ta'lim students from Spain Jamat. They share with us their drawings and stories about Nowruz/Navroz and the good things that Spring brings. Thank you, we love your beautiful creations! [Spanish] ...
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Navroz in Syria
Syria -- في يوم النّيروز تشارك الجماعاتُ الإسماعيليّةُ في جميع أنحاء العالم الناسَ من مختلف الثّقافات، والجماعات الدّينيّة احتفالاتها وبهجتها وتتقاسمُ معها الشّعورَ بالوحدة والانتماء، لاسيّما وأنّ عيد النّيروز احتفل به الفاطميّون عيداً رسميّاً في الدّولة الفاطميّة، وما يزال الإسماعيليّون في جميع أنحاء العالم يحتفلون به بالصّلوات والابتهالات والأدعية والأناشيد وممارسة طقوسه الاجتماعيّة، لاسيّما في لمّ شمل الأسرة، وتقوية الرّوابط الأسريّة ...
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Shaping the leaders of tomorrow
Global -- At a special event held earlier today, the Aga Khan Academy Maputo was inaugurated by Filipe Nyusi, President of Mozambique, and Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of Portugal, in the presence of Prince Rahim. The Aga Khan Academy in Maputo is part of a network of Academies established by Mawlana Hazar Imam. It is accredited as an International Baccalaureate ...
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Portugal -- Esta semana, os Muçulmanos Ismaili de todo o mundo celebram o Navroz (Nowruz), um festival que marca o início de um novo ano e o primeiro dia da Primavera. Navroz significa um tempo de renovação espiritual e rejuvenescimento físico, bem como um espírito de gratidão pelas bênçãos e uma perspetiva de esperança e otimismo. English O Navroz comemora uma ...
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VIDEO: Noor ki baarish
To coincide with the occasion of Navroz, The Ismaili is pleased to present "Noor ki baarish," performed by Taufiq Karmali and Durri Zahir. The song's lyrics describe the blossoming flowers, delicate fragrances, and sound of birdsong that mark the arrival of spring. This new day and new year is blessed, the song affirms, as Navroz brings with it a rain of Light. ...
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VIDEO: The Afghanistan crisis: Standing with those forced to flee
Since devastating news from Afghanistan dominated headlines last year, the humanitarian situation in the country has rapidly deteriorated. Roughly 3.4 million people are now displaced by conflict inside the country and today, almost 23 million people are facing extreme hunger. Afghanistan is now experiencing one of the world's worst humanitarian crises. Learn from UNHCR, AKF and others about the situation on the ...
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