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Ismaili Digest

Event Alert

"The Ismaili Imamat: A Signature in History" -- Special two day presentation of a new, objective evaluation of Imamat's authenticity

WHEN: Saturday and Sunday, May 7 and 8, 2022.

CLICK HERE for times in your city, Zoom link, a short, introductory video, and agenda.

Today's Jamat seeks more than traditional, philosophical arguments for God and the Imamat because those are often not intellectually satisfying.

Rooted in the fundamental principle that faith is and always has been evidence based, as has been unambiguously explained by our Imams and the Qur'an, "The Ismaili Imamat: A Signature in History," is a new objective assessment of the Ismaili Imamat's authenticity using a fresh, ground-breaking approach.

Feedback received, from both a private seminar and the pre-print release, has been exceptional:

  • "I am writing to commend you on the very creative and rigorously developed approach. ... It would be interesting to see how Nasir-i Khusraw or Hamid al-din Kirmani would have responded to your work ..." (Dr Farouk Mitha, University of Victoria)
  • "Amazing. I've never seen anything like it."
  • "Eye-opening and unexpected  ... a constant flow of new concepts."
  • "Absolutely brilliant."
  • "Absolutely mind blowing ... something I wouldn't imagine in my wildest dreams."

This two day event is Signature's first presentation for the wider Jamat and will be of particular interest to parents, young adults, students and youth so we urge the Jamat to forward this email to friends and family, especially those with students in high-school or university. 

Click here for times,
Zoom link, and introductory video

Unlike traditional approaches to assessing the Imamat's authenticity, Signature:

  • does not require philosophical or other arguments for Allah's existence,
  • does not rely on the Qur'an,
  • does not rely on anchoring the Ismaili Imamat's start to Ghadir Khumm,
  • does not rely on a completely perfect and verifiable historical record of the Imamat's continuity or lineage,
  • is unaffected by gaps in historical or lineage records, and
  • is unaffected by branches and splits in the lineage.

We are sure this unique presentation will make you re-consider the Imamat in a new light.

Best regards,
Ismaili Digest

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