"The Ismaili Imamat: A Signature in History" -- Special two day presentation of a new, objective evaluation of Imamat's authenticity
WHEN: Saturday and Sunday, May 7 and 8, 2022. CLICK TITLE for times in your city, Zoom link, comments from prior private seminars, a short, introductory video, and agenda. Today's Jamat seeks more than traditional, philosophical arguments for God and the Imamat because those are often not intellectually satisfying. Rooted in the fundamental principle that faith is and always has been evidence based, as has been unambiguously explained by our Imams and the Qur'an, "The Ismaili Imamat: A Signature in History," is a new objective assessment of the Ismaili Imamat's authenticity using a fresh, ground-breaking approach. This two day event is its first presentation for students, young adults, parents and the wider Jamat.
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Why the Lack of Religion Breeds Mental Illness
[H/T MOHIB EBRAHIM] -- ACADEMYOFIDEAS.COM -- [ISMAILI DIGEST ED: This otherwise outstanding video suggests "profiting from the truths of the great religions can be accomplished through a personal effort." However, as Hazrat Ali warns us, "To devote oneself to the religious life without being taught is to resemble the mill-donkey going round and round without moving from the place." ~~ Hazar Imam, 1965: "When the Faith is broken down everything goes with it: the family, society, the individual, the intelligence."] ARTICLE: Today many view religion with derision and scorn, considering this as a sign of enlightenment and progress. In a 1937 Yale University lecture titled Psychology and Religion, Carl Jung called atheism the "urban neurosis" and wrote "Among those in the second half of life there has not been one whose problem, in the last resort, was not that of finding a religious outlook on life." Perhaps without some form of a religious outlook man descends into the chaos of nihilism, totalitarianism, and hatred of self and society. And for those who think science has ...
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Why Even Atheists Should Teach Their Children about God
PRAGERU.COM -- As a therapist, I'm often asked why depression and anxiety are so common among children and adolescents. One explanation -- almost surely the most neglected -- is declining interest in God and religion. A 2018 Harvard study of 5,000 examined how being raised in a relgious family affects the mental health of children. The study found that kids who attended a religious service at least once per week scored higher on psychological well-being measurements and had lower risks of mental illness. Weekly attendance was also associated with higher rates of volunteerism, lower probabilities of both drug use and early sexual initiation, and a sense of purpose. Yet, despite all the evidence that religious involvement leads to positive behaviors, Gallup reports ...
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Dumbing Down K-12 Education
DISCOVERY.ORG -- [ISMAILI DIGEST ED: Hazar Imam, 2006: "Our goal, then, is not to provide special education for a privileged elite -- but to provide an exceptional education for the truly exceptional."] ARTICLE: Here's the sad truth. 25 countries outperform American students. China places first overall and dominates each subject. Americans are 33rd in math, 23rd in science, and 17th in reading. When in-person school resumed after COVID-19, many states continued with reduced instruction hours such as two-and-a-half-hour school days. And, instead of academic instruction, schools focused on "woke academics" under the guise of the innocent-sounding terms diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice. Equity was redefined as equal outcome [everyone should get the same grades] rather than equal opportunity. Any variations in educational outcomes are chalked up to the education system being systemically racist. Consequently, advanced courses are being removed because challenging high performing students is now considered discrimination. Some schools are doing away with standards altogether. The State of Oregon
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Why homeschooling is growing
WASHINGTONEXAMINER.COM -- As a result of COIVD-19, by the fall of 2021, 11% of American students were homeschooled, a number that's climbing. Another factor driving parents to homeschool is far-left indoctrination dominating today's K-12 classrooms. For example, students as young as age 5 are asked to select their gender identity and the gender they are physically attracted to. Declining academic standards is another concern. Advanced classes and gifted and talented programs are being removed in the name of "equity," denying high performers opportunities. Even graduation requirements have been reduced -- again in the name of equity. Today, more than 71% of American students lack basic academic proficiency at the end of their K-12 school years. As one parent said: "Now that I've started ...
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A Note at the End -- BoAI Vol #1
GOOGLE.COM -- What we need today is NOT research but search. Search for missing links in the history of our Imams, search for our literature presumed lost, search for homes with such books, search for manuscripts lying in archives and museums and search for people who still hold treasures of our untold history. ~~ What of Religious textbooks? Textbooks are not written by committees. Textbook committees are usually appointed to APPROVE text books. But we have been thinking of the textbook committees in the terms of a group of writers who would write the textbooks. For four decades we have appointed such committees with no result. Appointing a person to write a textbook is not the same as appointing ...
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More Classic prospects for Zarak and Siyouni
Lavello and Al Hakeem shine in Derby prep races. LAVELLO was one of ZARAK's 18 two-year-old winners last year, when he won the hotly contested Torquator Tasso Rennen over a mile on 17 October at Baden Baden. Now aged three, the colt was making his seasonal debut on Sunday in the Gr.3 Bavarian Classic at Munich. Positioned midfield in the turn, ...
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A aventura na Tapada de Mafra já aconteceu!
Portugal -- O Youth & Sports e o ITREB agradecem a todos os que participaram no fim de semana na Tapada de Mafra. Segue-se um "cheirinho" do que por lá se passou. Esperamos que se tenham divertido! English Durante a nossa aventura, entrámos no maravilhoso mundo das abelhas e tivemos a oportunidade de aprender mais sobre elas e sua importância nas ...
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GALLERY: Ismaili Center Houston Construction Progress
In November 2021, designs of the forthcoming Ismaili Center in Houston were presented at a special event hosted in Texas and streamed live around the world. Construction is underway and images of progress will be periodically shared here. Established by Mawlana Hazar Imam for the Jamat in the USA and around the world, the new Ismaili Center will represent a dialogue ...
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Eid ul-fitr
Portugal -- Os muçulmanos de todo o mundo aguardam ansiosamente o Eid ul-Fitr como uma ocasião de paz, felicidade, alegria e celebração. É um dia para orações especiais e a extensão do perdão e da generosidade. English Eid ul-Fitr é um termo árabe que significa o "festival da interrupção (do jejum)". O festival marca o culminar do mês do Ramadão, durante ...
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Our Shared Humanity
USA -- As we reflect on our responsibility as khalifas, we may, at times, feel compressed by the weight of this title. However, let us remind ourselves of the plethora of ways in which we can answer this call. In Surah al-Ma'ida, Allah says: ... whoever saves the life of a single person, it is as if he has saved the ...
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VIDEO: Bismillah
On the occasion of Eid ul-Fitr, The Ismaili presents a song by younger members of the Jamat, entitled Bismillah. Meaning "In the name of Allah," Muslims say Bismillah before starting a prayer, enjoying a meal, embarking on a journey, or beginning a difficult task. Invoking the name of Allah can bring us comfort and strength, and helps us to remember Him in ...
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VIDEO: Zahe Muqaddar
The Ismaili is pleased to present Zahe Muqaddar, a rendition of the famous Naat performed by Fitoor. Initially read by Waheed Zafar Qasmi and written by Yusuf Qadeeri, this Naat is a tribute to The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). ...
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Think of Ismaili Digest as the Front Page of all the best Ismaili websites! Ismaili Digest automatically and continuously brings together all new articles, photos, videos, etc. from Ismaili websites -- like The Ismaili, Simerg, IIS, NanoWisdoms, AKDN, Ismailimail, etc. -- so you can see them all at once. Direct links to over 15,000 web-pages from the best Ismaili websites already available. Ismaili Digest saves you (and those who are not tech savvy, such as seniors) the effort of having to visit them one by one to keep up to date, or have your inbox cluttered with emails from each of them when they publish new content. In a busy world, our sense of belonging to our community sometimes tends to wither and fade (particularly for isolated Jamati members). We hope Ismaili Digest's simplicity and comprehensiveness will help you feel connected as well as feel the local and global pulse of the community. Like many other non-commercial, public-service thematic website aggregators, Ismaili Digest is just a thematic aggregator. We publish short 50-60 word digests of all their content and provide direct links to their original pages saving you time, extra page loads and clicks. For the website publishers, direct links ensure they'll get the maximum number of potential visitors reaching their content so their hard work gets the maximum exposure. Also featured are other important articles, research and opinions relevant to the community's well being, intellectual growth, best practises and administration. And all served with a drop of humour as well, because "we are a community that welcomes the smile!" Ismaili Digest is not associated with any private Ismaili website, whether aggregated by Ismaili Digest or not. All websites Ismaili Digest aggregates are independent websites run by their individual owners and we are not responsible for content they publish. |