How an Obsession with SAFETY Leads to Mental Illness & Tyranny
YOUTUBE.COM -- ACADEMYOFIDEAS.COM -- [ISMAILI DIGEST ED: Hazrat Ali: "He will always excel in merit who takes the initiative." ~~ Hazar Imam, 1963: "I am afraid that the torch of intellectual discovery, the attraction of the unknown ... have left us [Muslims]." ~~ Hazar Imam, 2007: [We must] infuse our students with ... the spirit of adventure.] ARTICLE: Our age has been called many things, but an age of cowards may describe it best. Historically, some of the most prosperous societies were those most oriented towards experimentation and risk taking. The opposite approach, emphasising safety over risk-taking, stunts human potential and growth. To develop as individuals, exploration of the unknown and experimentation with novel ways of interacting with the world is a necessity and this entails taking risks and facing danger. Danger makes men classical, and all greatness, after all, is rooted in risk. A safe life, lacking real challenges and absent in adventure, is inert and leads to a withering away ...
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Why History by Aziz Esmail -- BoAI Vol #2
GOOGLE.COM -- Of all the subjects taught in universities, history is scarcely understood among intellectuals and lay people in any depth. This inadequacy is brought out in various ways. Some show, at best, a condescending tolerance for professional historians. Others worship them as men with "fantastic memories." In this article, I discuss the nature and uses of history and try to answer two essential questions: What is history? And how does the study of history benefit a group of people at a given moment of time? My examples will be drawn primarily from Islamic history. Finally, I will make a few general remarks why I think the study of history has a special place in our community at present. First, the nature ...
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The speed of Baaeed
Superstar miler caps excellent week for Sea The Stars. More information SEA THE STARS ZARAK Baaeed's scintillating performance in the Gr.1 Lockinge Stakes on Saturday was the highlight of an excellent week for Gilltown Stud resident SEA THE STARS. The Shadwell homebred won his third Group 1 over a mile by three-and-a-quarter lengths, to remain unbeaten in seven starts and confirm ...
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Talika Mubarak of Mawlana Hazar Imam, 19 May 2022 (Tajik)
Tajikistan -- 18-уми майи соли 2022 Президент ва аъзои азизам, Ман аз дубора оғоз гардидани нооромиҳои охир дар Бадахшони Кӯҳӣ сахт нигаронам. Ҳидояти ман барои Ҷамоатам ин аст, ки дар доираи қонунҳои кишвар зиндагӣ намоянд. Вориди хушунат нашаванд. Ниҳоят муҳим аст, ки фарзандони руҳониям ҳамеша суннати Ҷамоатамон, яъне дар баробари ҳамаи ҳамватанони дигар дар сулҳу осоиштагӣ зиндагӣ карданро ҳифз намоянд. Дар айни замон фарзандони рӯҳониям аз Бадахшони Кӯҳӣ, ...
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Talika Mubarak of Mawlana Hazar Imam, 19 May 2022
Tajikistan -- 18th May 2022 My dear President and Members, I am deeply concerned by the recent renewal of unrest in Gorno-Badakshan. My guidance to my Jamat is to live within the laws of the land. Do not engage in violence. It is of utmost importance that my spiritual children always uphold our Jamat's tradition to live in peace and harmony alongside all their fellow citizens. ...
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VIDEO: Aga Khan Academy Maputo | Inauguration
At a special celebratory event, the #AgaKhan Academy, Maputo was inaugurated by Filipe Nyusi, President of Mozambique, and Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of Portugal, in the presence of Prince Rahim Aga Khan. The Aga Khan #Academy in #Maputo is part of a network of Academies established by His Highness the Aga Khan. For more about the event: For more about the @Aga ...
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