Raymond J. de Souza: 50 years after Idi Amin expelled 'Uganda Asians,' they prosper happily
NATIONALPOST.COM -- [ISMAILI DIGEST ED: For those unfamiliar, The National/Financial Post is what might be called Canada's "Wall Street Journal."] ARTICLE: The Uganda expulsion created a crisis. Who would take in the 60,000? Most ended up in Britain, but some 6,000 resettled in Canada, many of whom were Ismaili Muslims. Their head, the Aga Khan, personally appealed to his friend, then-Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. It was the largest settlement of non-European refugees until that point in Canadian history. Despite hardships faced, the Indian immigrants have contributed mightily to the fields of education, science, entrepreneurship, civic engagement and religion in the UK and Canada. For example, across the Atlantic, the frontrunner to be the next Conservative Prime Minister of the UK is Rishi Sunak. His grandparents left India for East Africa and then moved to Britain in the ...
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Medicine's Fundamentalists: The Randomized Control Trial Controversy
TABLETMAG.COM -- We are told that only large, randomized control trials (RCTs), with positive results, can inform us if new treatments are useful. However, "only the RCTs matter" is not the position in mainstream practice. In 2017, the New England Journal of Medicine published a piece by Thomas R. Frieden, former head of the CDC (about as "mainstream" as it gets), in which he said, "Despite their strengths, RCTs have substantial limitations." One problem with RCTs are their "exclusion criteria" which exclude people from a study. So many are used that study samples no longer represent real-world patients. A review of RCTs found that 71.2% were not representative of real-world patients. Many of the patients studied were less sick than real-world patients. That, combined with ...
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VIDEO: JWST Images Raise Questions about the Big Bang
YOUTUBE.COM -- SEE THE PATTERN -- [ISMAILI DIGEST ED: At Ismaili Digest we predict James Webb Space Telescope observations will continue to undermine Big Bang Cosmology, leading to the inevitable collapse of the theory. That may, however, spark a crisis amongst many believers who pointed to the Big Bang as evidence of a Creator. We will address this misplaced faith in the Big Bang in an upcoming Ismaili Ignition Paradigm Proposal.] ARTICLE: The first images from the James Web Space Telescope (JWST) are not at all what theorists expected to see and reveal fundamental problems with current theories. For example, JWST images not only show normal galaxy structure much earlier than previously thought possible -- just 400 to 500 million years after the Big Bang -- but analysis of these galaxies shows they have stars that appear to be over a billion years old. In other words, stars created before the Big Bang. Another prediction from the Big Bang is ...
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The Big Bang didn't happen; What do the James Webb images really show?
IAI.TV -- [ISMAILI DIGEST ED: At Ismaili Digest we predict James Webb Space Telescope observations will continue to undermine Big Bang Cosmology, leading to the inevitable collapse of the theory. That may, however, spark a crisis amongst many believers who pointed to the Big Bang as evidence of a Creator. We will address this misplaced faith in the Big Bang in an upcoming Ismaili Ignition Paradigm Proposal.] ARTICLE: In a flood of recently published papers authors report again and again that JWST images show surprisingly more, surprisingly smooth, surprisingly small and surprisingly old galaxies than expected. For decades, the Big Bang hypothesis has been defended as unquestionable truth consequently the new data is causing panic. Indeed, one paper's title begins with the exclamation: "Panic!" "Right now I find myself lying awake at three in the morning," says professional astronomer Alison Kirkpatrick, "and wondering if everything I've done is wrong." It is not too complicated to explain why these too small, too smooth, too old and too numerous galaxies are ...
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The illusion of evidence based medicine
BMJ.COM -- BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL -- [ISMAILI DIGEST ED: The British Medical Journal (BMJ) is, arguably, one of the world's top three medical journals.] ARTICLE: Evidence based medicine depends on reliable data from clinical trials, most of which are conducted by the pharmaceutical industry and reported in the names of senior academics. Previously confidential industry documents have provided insight to the degree that industry sponsored clinical trials are misrepresented. Until this problem is corrected, evidence based medicine will remain an illusion. Medicine is dominated by a few very large pharmaceutical companies which suppress negative trial results, fail to report adverse events, and does not share raw data with the academic research community. Regulators receive funding from industry and use industry funded and performed trials to approve drugs, without in most cases seeing the raw data. In essence, drug companies "mark their own homework" rather than ...
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The Universe of Symbols -- BoAI Vol #3
GOOGLE.COM -- Cosmology is that aspect of metaphysics which deals with the origin, creation and evolution of the universe. The doctrine of creation occupies a significant position in all religious and philosophical thought. That it has excited the imagination of man throughout the ages is apparent from the universality of creation and solar myths in all traditions of folklore. However, it is in the context of classical philosophy and religious doctrines that cosmology has entered the stream of modern thought. The dissemination of cosmological knowledge in traditional civilisation was largely confined to esoteric societies. In contrast to the 'descending' scale of both creation and revelation, esoteric doctrines ...
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Aga Khan University Leadership Visits the United States
USA -- Aga Khan University leadership meets with the Jamat in Texas and Georgia The President of the Aga Khan University (AKU), Dr. Sulaiman Shahabuddin, and the Dean of the School of Nursing and Midwifery in Pakistan, Dr. Rozina Karmaliani, recently visited Jamats, donors, and alums, in three U.S. cities in Texas and Georgia. They were accompanied by Dr. Zeenat Sulaiman, ...
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Mobilising flood relief and rescue in Pakistan
Islamabad, Pakistan, 29 August 2022 - The Aga Khan Development Network is responding to the devastating floods in Pakistan by evacuating residents to safer areas, and providing food, shelter and health care. Over 1,000 people have died in Pakistan since June, in the worst floods the country has experienced in over a decade. The country is in a state of emergency, ...
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