Part 21 -- Self-control; Patience; Chastity and Voluptuousness -- Maxims of Ali
GOOGLE.COM -- It is up to you to show patience in misfortune and distress. ~~ Affliction is easily borne by one who knows how to be patient. ~~ Bear sorrows and calamities patiently otherwise you will never be happy. ~~ Acquire patience and endurance, because their relation with true faith is that of a head to a body; a body is of no use without a head, similarly true faith can be of no use without attributes of resignation, endurance and patience. ~~ Chastity is a strong fortress. ~~ Joy begins voluptuousness, but ruin ends it. ~~ Shun even the baseness that would bring you to your heart's desire. ~~ Beware of too strong a passion for women, and be not greedy of pleasure. In the first case you are ...
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IIS Book Summary: The Assassin Legends - Myths of the Ismailis
IIS.AC.UK -- [ISMAILI DIGEST ED: Must read for all Ismailis.] ARTICLE: This summary, of the easy to read book "Assassin Legends: Myths of the Ismailis," published by the IIS, details how legends about Ismailis were "fabricated and put into circulation by Europeans." It clears up critical misunderstandings about Ismailis and Hasan bin Sabbah, such as their use of hashish -- a drug -- which would have been counter-productive to successfully completing discrete and delicate missions Ismaili fidais undertook. ...
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VIDEO: Dr. Maria Dakake -- Female Spirituality in Islam
In her overview of female spirituality in Islam, Dr. Dakake shares anecdotes from female spiritual masters and women aspirants through history. Then, she takes questions from the audience on the topic. This lecture was part of a two-day event: Intellectuality and Spirituality in the Islamic TraditionA Prelude to the Perennial Philosophy, held at The George Washington University. ...
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Faith and Marriage: Better Together?
IFSTUDIES.ORG -- My research indicates that couples are substantially more likely to report being happy in their relationship when both partners attend church regularly than when neither partner does. Couples in which both members attend church are more likely to say that they often pray together. We [also] found that shared prayer is the most powerful religious predictor of relationship. More powerful than denomination, religious attendance, or shared religious friendships. In simple terms the couple that prays together, flourishes together. And new research from Harvard, tracking thousands of middle-aged women, found that women who regularly attended church were 47% less likely to divorce than women who did not regularly attend church. ...
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The Ismaili - Nutrition Centre
Chicken Keema
Nutrition Centre -- Healthy Hints Use lean chicken mince when preparing this dish so that you cut out most of the fat and fill up on lean protein. Serve with brown rice for more fibre, and use up the leftovers for a fresh lunch salad. 2 tbsp vegetable oil 2 onions (finely chopped) 300 g (10.5 oz) chicken mince 60 g ...
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His Highness the Aga Khan: 2019 stories behind photos
Barakah published 64 posts in 2019. Below we provide links to 16 interesting, thoughtful and inspiring pieces. Please click on link or photo to see the corresponding article in full. A VISIT TO A LAB IN CALIFORNIA ~~~~~~~~~~~ A FASCINATING SPEECH IN THE PHILIPPINES ~~~~~~~~~~~ A BEAUTIFUL REGALIA ~~~~~~~~~~~ THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD ~~~~~~~~~~~ THE FIRST MUSIC AWARDS ~~~~~~~~~~~ PRINCES AND PRINCESSES ...
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VIDEO: Presentation on Cosmopolitan Ethics and Pluralism: Why does Hazar Imam say both have been misunderstood? | Ignition Proposal
PART 0 -- While cosmopolitan ethics sounds very complicated or arcane, in this presentation, we offer a practical, comprehensible, highly praised perspective about it, based on Hazar Imam's clear explanations. Then, building on that, we reconsider the relationship between cosmopolitan ethics and pluralism, suggesting why, as Hazar Imam himself has also had to point out, the two have been fundamentally misunderstood. Due to these misunderstandings, we discuss why pluralism degenerates into license, or unrestricted individual freedom, and undermines morality. And, finally, we conclude with a comprehensive collection of Hazar Imam's quotes highlighting his explicit judgments against morals and values which are inconsistent with our Ismaili Muslim value system.
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VIDEO: Ismaili History Crash Course -- Fatimid Period
In this presentation, a multi-part crash course series on Ismaili History, discusses the Fatimid Period, considered to the golden age of Ismailism. The Ismaiili Imam-Caliphs during the Fatimid period were Imam al-Mahdi to Imam al-Mustansir. Notable contributions during the Fatimid Empire included the establishment of Al Azhar University and also the creation of the Dar al-Ilm, among many things. ...
Continued Here » http://isma.li/JeP2k4
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