Tuesday's Teachings (From Life)
How One Tweet Can Ruin Your Life | Jon Ronson
[H/T SAHIL BADRUDDIN] -- TED.COM -- [ISMAILI DIGEST ED: Very highly recommended and, as you watch this TED talk, reflect on these ethics from Hazrat Ali: "Accept his excuse who seeks your forgiveness." "Hasten not punish a man for a fault committed; but leave room for pardon between the two acts." "The wickedest man is he who finds no excuse for anyone, nor ever pardons." "How many men blamed have done no wrong?" "One without pity for others will never be pitied."] ARTICLE: For the longest time Jon Ronson reveled in the fact that Twitter gave a voice to the voiceless, a way to speak up. But somewhere along the way, things took a turn. He shows how online commenters can end up behaving like a baying mob. In this passionate, eloquent talk, Ronson tells the jaw-dropping story of how one un-funny tweet ruined a woman's life and career. "... But Justine Sacco wasn't fine, because while she slept, Twitter took control of her life and dismantled it piece by piece. First there were the ...
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Part 2 -- Islam RoundUp | Latest 7 Videos
Features a crash course on Islam and the Quran; a lecture on Prophet Muhammad by Omid Safi; a conversation on Islamic Law by Ali Asani, a discussion by Link TV/Gallop on Who Speaks for Islam: What a Billion Muslims Really Think, a panel on understanding the Shia; an Al-Jazeera documentary on Science and Islam (Al-Razi and Ibn Sina)...and more. ...
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Recollecting the Spirit of Jihad - Reza Shah-Kazemi
When we think how few men of real religion there are, how small the number of defenders and champions of the truth--when one sees ignorant persons imagining that the principle of Islam is hardness, severity, extravagance and barbarity--it is time to repeat these words: If the words quoted above were true in 1860, when the Emir wrote them, they are sadly ...
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What is Ismā'īli Gnosis?
Gnosis - Arabic: ma'rifah, Persian: shinākht, Sanskrit: jnāna, Hebrew: hokmah Gnosis is that 'supreme knowledge' 'which unifies and sanctifies' the human being. (Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Knowledge and the Sacred, 41) Gnosis is not acquired by discursive learning, but it is innate to the human soul and intellect. Gnosis is 'the basis of the intellect ('aql)' and is 'unwavering in man'. Gnosis ...
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11th Imam - Muhammad al-Mahdi - by Mumtaz Ali Tajddin
GOOGLE.COM -- Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi assumed the Imamate at the age of 8 years and left Salamia at 26. Unnoticed, he travelled with his escort by night to Egypt where he chose not to go Yamen as was expected. This turned out to be a wise decision since, in Yamen, he risked confrontation with the Abbasids and Qarmatians. On arriving in Raqada on 297/910, Imam al-Mahdi laid the foundation of the Fatimid Caliphate ordering his name be mentioned in the khutba and inscribed on coins. He began to develop the barren land of Maghrib and imposed Islamic laws, strictly prohibiting forbidden food and drink. In 301/914, he founded a new city on the coast ...
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News Flash for Digest + Ignition
Editor's Choice: Ismaili Digest -- 3 randomly chosen articles
DAILYSTOIC.COM -- A person isn't brave, generally. We can only be brave, specifically. In the moment. This is true for you or me or the most decorated soldiers. The criteria for two highest U.S. military honours are virtually identical but action in the moment is what changes everything. It's not fighting off of 12 insurgents for 5 hours -- it's sprinting across an open plain for 20 seconds, exposed to gunfire on three sides, to aid a fallen comrade. Twenty seconds of insane, embarrassing bravery. That's what courage is. Think about that today, as you're deciding whether to speak up or go along with something you disagree with. Give yourself a few seconds of courage. Something great will come of it. Promise. ...
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News Flash for Digest + Ignition
Ismaili Medley, Friday Fotos, Saturday Series (@ Ismaili Digest)
These three departments of Ismaili Digest highlight articles, book excerpts, presentations, videos and images related to our community, faith, cultures, food, countries and more. There's sure to be something for everyone. Saturday Series serializes long reads or books into short, bite-sized, weekly segments.
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Think of Ismaili Digest as the Front Page of all the best Ismaili websites! Ismaili Digest automatically and continuously brings together all new articles, photos, videos, etc. from Ismaili websites -- like The Ismaili, Simerg, IIS, NanoWisdoms, AKDN, Ismailimail, etc. -- so you can see them all at once. Direct links to over 15,000 web-pages from the best Ismaili websites already available. Ismaili Digest saves you (and those who are not tech savvy, such as seniors) the effort of having to visit them one by one to keep up to date, or have your inbox cluttered with emails from each of them when they publish new content. In a busy world, our sense of belonging to our community sometimes tends to wither and fade (particularly for isolated Jamati members). We hope Ismaili Digest's simplicity and comprehensiveness will help you feel connected as well as feel the local and global pulse of the community. Like many other non-commercial, public-service thematic website aggregators, Ismaili Digest is just a thematic aggregator. We publish short 50-60 word digests of all their content and provide direct links to their original pages saving you time, extra page loads and clicks. For the website publishers, direct links ensure they'll get the maximum number of potential visitors reaching their content so their hard work gets the maximum exposure. Also featured are other important articles, research and opinions relevant to the community's well being, intellectual growth, best practises and administration. And all served with a drop of humour as well, because "we are a community that welcomes the smile!" Ismaili Digest is not associated with any private Ismaili website, whether aggregated by Ismaili Digest or not. All websites Ismaili Digest aggregates are independent websites run by their individual owners and we are not responsible for content they publish. |