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Ismaili Digest

News Flash for Digest + Ignition

Ismaili Digest Celebrates Its 1st Anniversary: Accomplishments, Future Plans and Guide to Ismaili Websites

Since our launch, a year ago this month, Ismaili Digest set new standards for the Ismaili presence on the Internet as well as creating a revolutionary, easy way for Ismailis (especially isolated members of the Jamat) to keep up with, and remain connected to, our community.

We wish to thank everyone for their unstinting support and the lavish praise we have received from across the community. And, as far as we have come in our first year, we want you help us by continuing to spread the word and sharing our e-mail newsletters or social media posts.

In this news flash, we've highlighted some of our accomplishments this year, some of our "community firsts" we're proud of and some of our plans for our second year.

And, below, is a guide to the institutional and private Ismaili websites Ismaili Digest automatically aggregates for you. Each has a different focus and the sheer variety of material published means everyone will be sure to find something that interests them. Click on any image to browse that website's content on Ismaili Digest.

Remember, all private Ismaili websites are true labours of love. Their publishers -- passionate individuals, usually working solo -- have selflessly volunteered thousands of hours of their personal time producing these world class websites for the community's benefit. Their websites are used, each year, by hundreds of thousands of Jamati members, around the world, to virtually unanimous praise and admiration.

Together with Ismaili Digest we also launched Ismaili Ignition, a unique project which publishes original, thought provoking, fresh new 21st Century perspectives and insights into our faith and community you won't find anywhere else. In our first year Ignition published four Ignition Interviews, four Ignition Questions and three Ignition Paradigm Proposals. We've listed some of our most popular pieces already published.

And finally, we wish everyone Imamat Day Mubarak and would be remiss if we did not mention our record breaking, June 2018 post, "A Collection of Hazar Imam's Jokes! And, early Imamat Day Mubarak" (click here), that immediately went viral! It's a must read if you've not seen it yet. Don't forget to also read part 2 (click here), with 21 more jokes.

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Ismaili Digest

Think of Ismaili Digest as the Front Page of all the best Ismaili websites!

Ismaili Digest automatically and continuously brings together all new articles, photos, videos, etc. from Ismaili websites -- like The Ismaili, Simerg, IIS, NanoWisdoms, AKDN, Ismailimail, etc. -- so you can see them all at once. Direct links to over 10,000 web-pages from the best Ismaili websites already available. Ismaili Digest saves you (and those who are not tech savvy, such as seniors) the effort of having to visit them one by one to keep up to date, or have your inbox cluttered with emails from each of them when they publish new content.

In a busy world, our sense of belonging to our community can wither or fade (particularly with isolated Jamati members). So we hope the simplicity of Ismaili Digest will change this for you.

Like many other non-commercial, public-service thematic website aggregators, Ismaili Digest is just a thematic aggregator. We publish short 50-60 word digests of all their content and provide direct links to their original pages saving you time, extra page loads and clicks. For the website publishers, direct links ensure they'll get the maximum number of potential visitors reaching their content so their hard work gets the maximum exposure.

Also featured are other important articles, research and opinions relevant to the community's well being, intellectual growth, best practises and administration. And all served with a drop of humour as well, because "we are a community that welcomes the smile!"

Ismaili Digest is not associated with any private Ismaili website, whether aggregated by Ismaili Digest or not. All websites Ismaili Digest aggregates are independent websites run by their individual owners and we are not responsible for content they publish.

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