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Ismaili Digest

Editor's Choice -- Ismaili Digest -- Why simply understanding introversion properly will immediately improve your and your family's lives

Although most people assume they know what introversion is, actually, they don't. As Susan Cain, author of Quiet, writes, "introversion is now a second-class personality trait, somewhere between a disappointment and a pathology" as if it's a "problem" to fix, like was once thought about left-handed people. Introverts don't need to be "fixed" any more than left-handed people need to be. Introversion is not a liability to overcome.

With introverts making up 30%-50% of the population, you have several introverts in your life. Family members (spouses, children or relatives), colleagues, friends and, if you're involved in any kind of teaching activity, among your students. It also means a 30%-50% chance you are an introvert yourself and not even know it. That ignorance is likely creating a lot of stress in your life without you realising it.

Science has shown that an introvert's nervous system is just more sensitive to stimuli, than an extrovert's, and have a brain chemistry that compensates for that sensitivity. Introverts are born this way, just like extroverts are, and can't be, or need to be, changed. These differences mean introverts have a few unique and simple needs, which if not met, can lead to tremendous mental stress, anxiety and other problems.

Another misconception is that introversion and shyness are the same thing. They're not. Extroverts can be shy too. "Shy people fear negative judgment, while introverts simply prefer less stimulation; shyness is inherently painful, and introversion is not."

Besides the 5 articles listed below, we have posted many more on introversion here:

Given the dramatic and immediate improvements to the quality of life that simply understanding introversion properly can bring to 30%-50% of the Jamat who are introverts (and those close to them), the importance of this issue cannot be overstated.

So please do share this e-mail with friends and family whom you feel would benefit from learning about introversion.

Best regards
Ismaili Digest

Editor's Choice

I thought something was wrong with me until I learned I'm an introvert

INTROVERTDEAR.COM -- We live in a society where group experience and an extrovert personality are the ideals. It's hardly surprising you'll begin to wonder if there's something wrong with you, just as I did. I did not understand that introversion and shyness are *not* the same thing.... Like many of my fellow introverts, the turning point was Susan Cain's book, "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking." Finally, I realized that there is nothing wrong with me. Today, I wouldn't want it any other way. As an introvert, you're probably good at connecting ideas and events and seeing many facets of a problem. You are more likely to think outside the consensus and have original ideas. ...

Continued Here »

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