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Ismaili Digest

Editor's Choice -- NanoWisdoms - Extend. Quotes -- Hazar Imam's cautionary notes on Western values

In 1967, Mawlana Hazar Imam said "Western Europe and North America ... face social and moral conflicts which are far more daunting than known in Asia or Africa."

In 1976, he said "I have observed in the Western world a deeply changing pattern of human relations. The anchors of moral behaviour appear to have dragged to such depths that they no longer hold firm the ship of life: what was once wrong is now simply unconventional, and for the sake of individual freedom must be tolerated. What is tolerated soon becomes accepted. Contrarily, what was once right is now viewed as outdated, old fashioned and is often the target of ridicule."

In 1994, he said "There is the potential in the Islamic heritage to help modern societies cope with the confusions, disillusionments and moral vagaries that afflict them."

And in 2010, he said "In many areas people defend the principle of freedom to a point where freedom tends to become depravity, permissiveness and disrespect. At that point, Islam says 'no.' And that doesn't only apply to the problem of the relationship between men and women."

Today, for the sake inclusivity and pluralism, we are expected to accept, without judgement, all values as valid. However, isn't that kind of "pluralism," that accepts everything and rejects nothing, simply unfettered individual freedom or license -- which Hazar Imam unequivocally rejects -- by another name?

One of the most important issues all Ismailis face, especially those in the West, is having clarity about our values, morals and principles. Consider, for example, Hazar Imam noticed back in 1965 that, "every time we send our young men to Western universities seven out of ten of them come back with alien traditions and tendencies of which they may be unconscious."

If, after spending just a few years at a Western university, 70% of Ismaili students returned with traditions and tendencies "alien" to us, without even realizing it, how much more severe must the problem be today, when tens of thousands Ismailis are not in the West for a few years to study, but living their entire lives there?

Would we even recognize what is "alien" anymore? Would we even consider it "alien?" And, more seriously, would we even remember "what was once right" and "what was once wrong" and correct our perceptions of right and wrong?

To ensure we have a sound understanding of our values and morals, for 60 years Hazar Imam has provided us with a comprehensive road-map to guide us. We have assembled 25 pages of his guidance on this critical issue in the 5 NanoWisdoms Extended Quotes linked below.

Warm regards
NanoWisdoms Archive

Editor's Choice

His Highness the Aga Khan's cautionary notes on Western values

"Today my worry is not [with polygamy]. My worry is the notion of unique family, which is in the process of destroying itself. Voila! We are further than the polygamy today. Today we face a situation where a part of our world accepts that children are born outside the family." His Highness the Aga Khan's 2001 Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation International Interview ...

Continued Here »

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