About Ismaili Digest
Think of Ismaili Digest as the Front Page of all the best Ismaili websites!
Ismaili Digest automatically and continuously brings together all new articles, photos, videos, etc. from Ismaili websites -- like The Ismaili, Simerg, IIS, NanoWisdoms, AKDN, Ismailimail, etc. -- so you can see them all at once. Direct links to over 15,000 web-pages from the best Ismaili websites already available.
Click here for our guide to the websites we monitor for you. Ismaili Digest saves you (and those who are not tech savvy, such as seniors) the effort of having to visit them one by one to keep up to date, or have your inbox cluttered with emails from each of them when they publish new content.
In a busy world, our sense of belonging to our community sometimes tends to wither and fade (particularly for isolated Jamati members). We hope Ismaili Digest's simplicity and comprehensiveness will help you feel connected as well as feel the local and global pulse of the community.
Like many other non-commercial, public-service thematic website aggregators, Ismaili Digest is just a thematic aggregator. We publish short 50-60 word digests of their content and then provide direct links to the original pages on the source websites. So, like with Google, when you click on a title or feature image for any entry -- weather on the Ismaili Digest website, on our social media pages or in a digest email -- you are taken directly to the source website's original page. In other words, you read the article on the source website, not Ismaili Digest. Taking you to the source website also allows you to continue browsing the source website for other content.
For you, the reader, direct links mean that whether you are reviewing our digests here on the website, in our daily or weekly email newsletters in your mailbox or on line, in our newsletter archive, or RSS feeds, or anywhere else where our digests have been shared, you will see a special isma.li link that goes directly to the source page saving you time, extra page loads and clicks.
For you, the website publishers, direct links ensure you'll get the maximum number of potential visitors reaching your content so your hard work gets the maximum exposure.
With Ismaili Digest, the Jamat learns more and stays better informed with less effort and clutter while website publishers enjoy greater exposure, a larger audience, more actual visitors on site reading their content.
Even though we only display short digests of all content, like Google Search, we have the full content cached for searching, here, on-site. So, if you remember you read something that was from an isma.li link, and want to find it again, you can now, for the first time, search content from just the key Ismaili websites at one go and see all the results in one place.
For more details about Ismaili Digest and an in depth discussion with the team, please read Pulling Back the Curtain on Ismaili Digest & Ismaili Ignition | A Team Interview.
Note that, except for NanoWisdoms.org (the archive of the Imamat speeches, interviews, and writings), Ismaili Digest is not associated with any other private Ismaili website, whether aggregated by Ismaili Digest or not, notwithstanding any aggressive marketing of our content on social media by others. All websites Ismaili Digest aggregates -- such as Simerg, IsmailiMail, Ismaili Gnosis, Amaana -- are independent websites run by their individual owners and we are not responsible for content they publish. Click here for information about how we select the websites and content we publish.
Important Announcement: Ismaili Digest has left all social media. Here's why ...
When Ismaili Digest launched in June 2018, we pushed all the content we aggregated to Facebook and Twitter. However, as of September 1, 2019, we stopped posting to all social media platforms. This major decision was, surprisingly, not as difficult as it seemed once we looked closely at the issue. Given the now virtually irrefutable, frightening psychological and social harm from social media (especially to children) we decided we could not, in good conscience, continue to use it at the expense of the Jamat's well-being. Click here to read our newsflash detailing this and the many other reasons behind our decision. We hope the Jamat and other publishers find it useful in their own review of the value and harm of continuing to use or publishing to social media.
Why are some posts yellow, some white and some grey?
Yellow (top of home page): All new content appears on site in date order, newest post first. However, all new content (other than Ismailimail) is temporarily made sticky -- in a light yellow colour -- on the home page for 48 hours, so it will appear, in date order, at the start of the home page where it will receive maximum exposure.
One objective of Ismaili Digest is to help increase exposure of original Ismaili website content among the Jamat. However, each private or institutional Ismaili website generally publishes only a few new, original authored articles a week or month. Ismailimail, on the other hand, publishes several posts daily, and significantly more during major Imamat events, almost all of which are links to other articles. Therefore, to avoid the originally, authored content from being drowned out by Ismailimail's vigorous news stream, Ismaili Digest controls the order in which posts appear on-site and gives this originally, authored content priority.
White: After 48 hours, the yellow sticky posts are made unsticky, turn to white and are moved into date order with all other posts, including Ismailimail's.
Light grey: Ismailimail posts are shaded light grey so they are easily identifiable.
Reviewing all content from a particular website or Ismaili Digest category
If you wish to quickly review all content from a particular website (such as the.ismaili or Simerg), or from an Ismaili Digest category (such as Ismaili Ignition or Off The Beaten Track), click on the grey website/category name under the image, or select the website/category from the menu.
Searching all content aggregated by Ismaili Digest
Like Google, Ismaili Digest lets you search the full text of all content we link to. This means if you remember seeing something from Ismaili Digest you can search for it directly here and find it again. Click here for advanced searching tips.

Ismaili Digest automatically brings together content from over 36 of the most important institutional and reliable private Ismaili web sources. Click here for our guide to the Ismaili websites we monitor, listed below.
Note that, except for NanoWisdoms.org (the archive of the Imamat Speeches, Interviews, and Writing), Ismaili Digest is not associated with any other private Ismaili website, whether aggregated by Ismaili Digest or not, notwithstanding any aggressive marketing of our content on social media by others. All websites Ismaili Digest aggregates -- such as Simerg, IsmailiMail, Ismaili Gnosis, Amaana -- are independent websites run by their individual owners and we are not responsible for content they publish. Click here for information about how we select the websites and content we publish.
Officially permitted, private Ismaili websites
Note: Contrary to widespread misconception, official community policy permits Ismailis to officially publish their own community related websites, such as those below.
- Ismaili Ignition (all content) -- Helping to reignite the passion to think for ourselves and encourage each intellect to express itself.
- The NanoWisdoms Archive of Imamat Speeches, Interviews and Writings (all content) -- Launched several years ago, in 2011, upon receiving special permission from Aiglemont to publish Mawlana Hazar Imam's speeches, a unique website dedicated solely to the Ismaili Imamat's speeches, interviews and writings. With over 700 of Mawlana Hazar Imam's speeches, interviews and writings it is, by far, the largest and most comprehensive collection, online.
- NanoWisdoms -- Extended Quotes (all content) -- Unique and most comprehensive collection of related quotes of Mawlana Hazar Imam.
- NanoWisdoms -- YouTube (all content)
- RoundUp Video Series -- Ismaili, Devotional Music, Diamond Jubilee, Islam, Religion -- Aggregates the best video content of interest to the Ismaili community.
- Candid Insights with Sahil Badruddin -- Sahil interviews influencers, leaders, and intellectuals to draw out their candid insights and wisdom on important issues facing society today with thought-provoking questions that hit at the heart of a matter.
- Simerg (all content*) -- Literary works relating to the Ismailis.
- Simerg Photos (all content*) -- Photo blog relating to the Ismailis.
- Barakah (all content*) -- Dedicated to Hazar Imam’s Diamond Jubilee.
- Nimira's Blog - On Faith (all content) -- Short articles on Ismaili history and Muslim civilisations.
- Ismaili Gnosis (selected content) -- Dedicated to the gnosis of Shia Ismaili Islam and other wisdom traditions.
- Amaana (selected content*) -- A collection of articles about Ismaili history and personalities.
- Ismailimail (all content since 11 July 2017*) -- News, photos, videos and more, related to the Ismaili Muslim Community.
* Content cross-posted from other sites is removed to avoid duplication and ensure the original source enjoys full exposure and traffic.
Institutional websites
- The Ismaili (all content) -- The official website of the Ismaili Muslim Community.
- The Ismaili -- YouTube (all content)
- The Ismaili USA -- YouTube (all content)
- The Ismaili India -- YouTube (all content)
- The Ismaili -- Nutrition Centre (all content)
- IIS (news, videos, articles, events) -- IIS promotes scholarship and learning of Muslim cultures and societies, historical as well as contemporary, with a focus on Ismailism.
- AKDN (news, press releases, galleries) -- AKDN is a group of development agencies dedicated to improving living conditions and opportunities for the poor.
- AKDN -- YouTube (all content)
- AKF UK -- YouTube (all content)
- AKF USA -- YouTube (all content)
- AKRSP India -- YouTube
- AKDN -- Aga Khan Museum -- YouTube (all content) -- The AKM showcases the artistic, intellectual, and scientific contributions of Muslim civilisations to world heritage
- AKDN -- Aga Khan Award for Architecture -- YouTube (all content) -- The AKAA is Awarded every three years to projects that set new standards of excellence in architecture, planning practices, historic preservation and landscape architecture
- AKDN -- AKTC Music Initiative -- YouTube (all content) -- The AKTCMI is an inter-regional music and arts education programme with worldwide performance, outreach, mentoring, and artistic production activities.
- Recipes and More -- YouTube (all content)
- Aga Khan Studs (news) -- News from Aga Khan Studs.
- GCP -- Global Centre for Pluralism: Lectures, Forums, Partnership, Interviews -- YouTube (all content) -- The GCP is a global platform for comparative analysis, education and dialogue about the choices and actions that advance and sustain pluralism
Other content
Ismaili Digest monitors all these sources every four hours to help keep you informed in near real-time. The only exception is that in the mornings (North America) we monitor Ismailimail more frequently during their usual posting period.
To try and create balance and variety in the information reaching the community, Ismaili Digest also aggregates selected content in the categories, listed below, to appeal to the different sides of the human spirit beyond just faith and community.
If you have a passion -- or just some links to articles, videos, photographs, etc. -- related to any of the focus areas below, click the button to submit your links to us. If you wish, we can offer you credit for your submissions. Note, we reserve the right to publish, at our sole discretion, with or without further explanation, links recommended to us.
Suggest a link- Off The Beaten Track -- Knowledge and intellect
Little known, fascinating, important, and sometimes even controversial, research, knowledge and opinions relevant to the community's well-being, intellectual and spiritual growth, as well as administrative best practices (as opposed to current affairs, news, politics, etc), in keeping with Hazar Imam's remarks on expanding our knowledge horizons:
A wise observer once said, it’s not so much what we don’t know that hurts us, but also all those things that we are sure we know -- but which are just not so. (2007, Kenya)
[We must] constantly review and revise and renew what we think we know. (2006, Pakistan) - Monday Madness -- Amusement
Your Monday morning smile because "we are a community that welcomes the smile!" (2014, Canada)
- Tuesday's Teachings (From Life) -- Personal and emotional growth, humanity, compassion
Moving fiction and non-fiction books and movies, articles, TED Talks, etc., (even if they go against prevailing wisdom) which teach us about the richness of life, the human spirit and human condition and helps us in our own personal and emotional growth to become the best version of ourselves we can be.
- Wednesday Wisdom -- Wisdom
Timeless pearls of wisdom, from the best of humanity.
- Friday Fotos -- Beauty
The best Ismaili related visuals -- images, photos, art and videos -- from Flickr, YouTube, Vimeo and elsewhere. Several published each Friday.
- Saturday Series -- Serialised long reads
Longer reads, serialised and published weekly over several months.
- Ismaili Medley
Ismaili related articles from other Ismaili and non-Ismaili websites. If you publish a private Ismaili website or administer an institutional one (such as iicanada.org) that we do not aggregate content from, but have a piece you feel you would like to draw the Jamat's attention to, we can highlight it in this section of Ismaili Digest.
- News Flash
Announcements or other news about Ismaili Digest or Ismaili Ignition.
Generally, Ismaili Digest is not selective about website content from the websites we aggregate so we link to most, if not all, their content and let the audience decide what interests them, just as they would do if they visited the website. At the same time any expectation of entitlement because of our generosity imposes an unfair obligation on us.
However, that being said, when it comes to how we select which websites Ismaili Digest chooses to aggregate, the policy is nuanced and flexible. We do not have, nor believe in rigid, one-size-fits-all, all-or-nothing policies for selecting which private or institutional websites, content they publish or other on-line content we feature. Instead, we evaluate each source and article on a case by case basis.
Note also, we reserve the unfettered right to choose, at our sole discretion, with or without further explanation, which websites to feature and what content to publish or not to publish on Ismaili Digest. Furthermore, we may, again at our sole discretion elect to not publish links to content that we feel is not in keeping with the spirit of Article 14.1 of the Ismaili Constitution, as we understand it and within the context of the guidance Mawlana Hazar Imam has given for private Ismaili media publishers.
Ismaili Digest offers the following attractive, mobile friendly, digest newsletter email subscriptions. You may subscribe to as many as you like; each generates a separate email newsletter on the schedule indicated.
- Daily Ismaili Digest
Digests of new articles aggregated in the previous 24 hours.
- Weekly Ismaili Digest (Fridays)
Digests of new articles aggregated in the previous 7 days.
- Weekly Editor's Choice (Tuesdays)
A selection of upto 5 articles (sometimes selected by the website Editor) from various Ismaili websites from their archives for your reading pleasure. Each week a different website is featured.
- Monthly Jamat's Choice (8-10 days after each month end)
Each month enjoy the most popular posts from over 36 of the best Ismaili websites with just one click!
- Event Alerts
Sent daily whenever our monitoring alerts us to a live stream/web cast event. Recommended for everyone, but especially those not receiving the Daily Ismaili Digest.
Each of the above newsletters published are also available, online, in our archive with the latest newsletter at the top. Click here to review the archive and/or view sample newsletters.
You most likely are getting them, but they are being placed in your spam folder by your email service. Please follow these instructions to ensure our emails reach your inbox. If you are still not receiving our emails please contact us here us so we can look into the matter further.
Ismaili Digest aims to increase exposure of content published on private or institutional Ismaili websites among the Jamat. However, to avoid this content -- generally published a few times a month -- from being drowned out by Ismailimail's intense, daily news stream, Ismaili Digest controls the order in which posts appear in the newsletters.
Posts in newsletters appear grouped first by website and then, within a website category, by date. As on-site, Ismailimail's content appears after new content from the one or two other websites that might happen to publish new content on a specific day, or during the week, so original content is positioned at the top of the daily and weekly newsletters where they, and the authors, will receive maximum exposure.
Link shorterners like bit.ly, goo.gl, ow.ly and others condense long links for convenience and appearance. isma.li is our own dedicated, shortener domain to which we shorten all links to the original content on the source websites we aggregate content from.
All of our links -- on site, in our digest emails, in our RSS feed or wherever others have shared our our links -- are isma.li links that go directly to the source pages we aggregate.
When you see an isma.li link anywhere on the web, it's your assurance that it goes to quality content for the Ismaili community.
Why is the "i" missing in isma.li?
The domain ismai.li was already registered. If the owners of this unused domain would like to donate it to this project, we would be grateful.
Except for Ismaili Ignition, Ismaili Digest does not actually publish its own original content, and instead aggregates content from other websites and publishes short digests with direct links to the source websites. Please refer to the sections:
Ismaili Digest and the Ismaili Digest Partnership Programme are inspired by the following guidance Mawlana Hazar Imam gave in 1987, in Washington DC, where he said
The time has come to evolve ... the links between individuals and institutions and the rules of the game that encourage mutual trust, promote co-operation, unleash human potentials and make possible a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts. (1987, USA)
Ismaili Digest Partners are Ismaili website publishers -- institutional or private -- who display, on their websites, the Partner logo and subscription form, shown on the right/below, and offer Ismaili Digest as a subscription option to their visitors. They choose to become our Partners for several reasons:
- Consolidation
By pooling subscribers, each Partner helps grow the audience for all other Partners, and vice versa -- creating the "whole that is greater than the sum of the parts". This increases the exposure of each individual Partner's content while, at the same time, making it more convenient and easier for the subscribers to stay upto date from more sources.
- Simplicity
Developing and administering the infrastructure to reliably capture subscribers and send thousands of emails, correctly formatted for all kinds of devices and email clients, is technically very challenging for individual web publishers and commercial options that provide these services are expensive. Consequently, we offer our robust email infrastructure free of charge to Ismaili web publishers so they can focus their limited time producing better content for you, instead of each one grappling with the technical issues involved with reaching the community via email. Essentially they outsource the job to us.
- Subscriber satisfaction and stability
Even if a website publisher's hosting service provides managed email for them, their subscribers are more likely to remain subscribers of Ismaili Digest because of the variety of additional content we offer. And so, without the irritation of extra emails, the publisher's content still reaches those who might otherwise have unsubscribed from an individual website. In the future, they may regain interest in that content or, in the mean time, forward to others they know who are.
- Reciprocal appreciation
Since we publish content from Ismaili websites freely -- without reciprocal expectations, demands or conditions, Ismaili website publishers benefit from this wider exposure we bring to their content and they show their appreciation by providing Ismaili Digest as a subscription option to their visitors.
If you are an Ismaili website publisher -- institutional or private -- and wish to become an Ismaili Digest Partner, or if we do not currently carry your content, and you would like us to, please contact us here. Click here for information about how we select the websites and content we publish.
As an Official Ismaili Digest Partner, we give our visitors the option to subscribe to our content through Ismaili Digest. Ismaili Digest aggregates, in one place, content from both officially permitted private Ismaili websites, like ours, and institutional websites and broadcasts it in attractive, mobile friendly, daily, weekly or monthly email newsletters with direct links to all content, saving you the effort and inbox clutter from subscribing to all the websites individually.
- Ismaili Digest logo icon: Reading by Luis Prado from the Noun Project; (CC BY 3.0 US).
- Ismaili Ignition Paradigm Proposals icon: Big Idea by Edward Boatman from the Noun Project; (Public Domain).
- The Ignition Questions icon: Gear and magnifying glass by Julia Stoffer from the Noun Project; (CC BY 3.0 US).
- Ignition Interviews icon: Talk by Johanna from the Noun Project; (CC BY 3.0 US).
- News Flash icon: Newspaper by Blaise Sewell; (CC BY 3.0 US).
- Monday Madness icon: Laugh by Pham Thi Dieu Linh from the Noun Project; (CC BY 3.0 US).
- Page background icon: Islamic Symbol by Adame Dahmani from the Noun Project; (CC BY 3.0 US).
- 404 Page icon: Head banging by Luis Prado from the Noun Project; (CC BY 3.0 US).
- Email whitelist instructions emaildeliveryjedi.com, with edits.
Ismaili Digest is a non-commercial, non-profit, voluntary, public service endeavour. It is neither associated with, nor operates on behalf of, His Highness the Aga Khan, the Ismaili community, or any of their institutions.
- Welcome
Welcome to the ismailidigest.org website (the "Site"). The Site is a non-commercial, non-profit, voluntary, public service endeavour of, and owned by, Ismaili Digest. These terms and conditions govern your use of the Site. Please read them carefully. If you do not accept these terms and conditions of use, please do not use the Site. By using the Site, you agree to abide by the following conditions of use.
- Copyright and Content Rights
The Site and all its contents -- including all Ismaili Ignition content, graphics and the Ismaili Digest website design -- copyright and are subject to copyright restrictions. You may not adapt, alter, create any derivative work nor reproduce any of the content of the Site without the copyright holder's express written permission. Brief quotations are permitted provided they include credit and a link back to the source page on Ismaili Digest. You may not republish or repost PDF or other documents to any website, online forum group, social media, etc.. If you wish to share share any content, please share the link to the page on Ismaili Digest where it is published. Commercial use or publication of any material on the Site, without prior authorisation, is strictly prohibited. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring any license in respect of the material, other than its reproduction in accordance with the terms stated above. All opinions expressed in any articles or other authored material on the Site are those of the respective authors themselves and do not necessarily represent the views of Ismaili Digest.
The Site may contain links to other websites, which are not reviewed or controlled by Ismaili Digest. Ismaili Digest shall not be responsible for the content of any such websites nor for the terms of use applicable to the content of any such websites. You are solely responsible for any access and use of any such websites. It is your responsibility to consult the terms of use published on any such websites and to abide by them.
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The information and material on the Site may be edited, improved, modified or changed at any time, without notice. The operation of the Site may be discontinued at any time, without notice.
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This privacy policy constitutes an integral part of the terms and conditions of use of the ismailidigest.org website (the "Site"). It describes the way Ismaili Digest undertakes to protect your personal data (and that of the person or persons for whom you act as legal representative) (the “Personal Data”), the way in which we collect information from you when you use the Site and for what such data may be used. This privacy policy applies to any information obtained by us through your use of the Site. It is not applicable to any internet websites controlled by third parties that the Site may link to ("Third Party Sites"). Please review the privacy statements of Third Party Sites, as Ismaili Digest is not responsible for and has no influence on the content or the privacy practices of Third Party Sites.
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