No, You're Not Imagining It. Minions Are Everywhere
VICE.COM -- Banana. Bapple. Para tú. Poulet tikka masala. Minionese is largely a gibberish language, but it also contains the odd English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Chinese, French, Russian, Filipino and Korean word. "The magic of understanding what they're feeling or saying isn't the words, but more the music. Just by the melody of a sentence, you could understand if they were angry, if they were pissed, if one was telling a joke and the other wasn't finding it funny," says director Pierre Coffin. In hindsight, Minionese's mix of languages paved the way for global domination. But, crucially, the fact that Minions largely spoke in gibberish meant that people could easily put words into their mouths. For the better part ...