A Geriatrician Offers 4 Tips for Seniors to Stay Connected during Coronavirus Outbreak
THECONVERSATION.COM -- Along with the risk of COVID-19 infection comes social isolation risks. How can older people cope? Here are four ways they can stay socially connected. 1. Learn the new technology. You don't have to be tech-savvy: just ask a neighbor, niece or nephew for help. 2. Stay active from home. Many organizations and faith-communities rely on volunteers to make phone calls, which can be done from home. 3. Go on a news diet. Don't get addicted on non-stop "breaking news" which brings needless anxiety. Watch a news update in the morning, then check in again at night: 30-60 minutes is plenty. 4. Reach out to family and friends. Stay in touch with the people close to you. For the rest of us, why not make it a point to check in on your older friends and relatives? Now, more than ever ...