VIDEO: KENYA - Zumba Cooldown with Tazmin Ajani-Manji
Kenya -- Time to relax those muscles after a good workout! ...
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Kenya -- Time to relax those muscles after a good workout! ...
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Kenya -- Be inspired to move by these Latin beats! ...
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Portugal -- Com a quarentena e com o tempo que passa em casa é cada vez mais difícil querer cozinhar e ter criatividade para cozinhar os melhores pratos. É só olhar para o lava-loiça cheio de loiça suja e perde logo a vontade.... Porém, também não gosta de comer todos os dias a mesma comida. E se puder aprender novos pratos, ...
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Portugal -- Com a mais recente situação em que nos encontramos, é necessário ficar em casa para o bem de toda a população. Porém, ficar em casa não deve ser apenas significado de descontração ou de lazer. Pode ser visto como uma possibilidade de aprender, conhecer e aumentar o nosso conhecimento. Ainda por cima, com a Internet e demais ferramentas tecnológicas ...
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Portugal -- O The Learning Academy (TLA) é uma plataforma tecnológica que pretende ligar programas de formação e informação educacional com todos os utilizadores interessados. Esta inovadora plataforma pretende ser uma nova forma de contribuir para a melhoria das competências de todo o Jamat. O TLA enquadra-se nas orientações de Mawlana Hazar Imam sobre o Life Long Learning (LLL): "In an ...
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Kenya -- What can you do when 'Socially Distancing'? Social distancing is a term applied to certain actions that are taken by health officals to stop or slow down the spread of a highly contagious disease. Social distancing measures are taken to restrict when and where people can gather, to stop or slow the spread of infectious diseases. Below are some ...
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Kenya -- Warm those muscles up and DANCE! ...
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Kenya -- Tone those muscles! ...
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Kenya -- Looks simple, but you will be sweating after! ...
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Kenya -- Feel the Heat in this HIIT! ...
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Kenya -- Led by Bollywood dance instructor and Arts Governance member for Burundi Aziza Jaffer. ...
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Far East -- Dear Fellow Community Members, Good evening. I last wrote to you a few days ago upon receiving Chairman Malik of LIF's message from MHI. Since then, and over the past week, news about the spread of COVID-19 has become even more concerning. Several countries globally, especially the US and many countries in Europe have not yet been able ...
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UK -- AKEB is pleased to invite parents and students to join the next online question and answer sessions on Sunday 5 April 2020. The first webinar covered: helping children with their learning at home, non-academic activities, helping children keep in touch with friends. Notes are available on the AKEB website - . This Sunday's webinar will cover: updates of key ...
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Portugal -- This article contains the English and Spanish versions of the Message of the President of the National Council of 3rd of April 2020 at the Soulful Time Program YAM to everyone, I hope you're all okay. I am contacting you once again following the world pandemic situation we are currently experiencing, in particular, the countries within our jurisdiction Portugal, ...
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CANADA -- Over 40 national and provincial openings for volunteers across Canada. Keep checking back, we're adding more opportunities as soon as they come up. ...
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Global -- Covid-19 is not "just" the flu. It is much more contagious and can spread rapidly. Prevention is the only way to limit the spread of Covid-19. Follow these recommendations to protect yourself, your family, and your community. For more information, please download the Special Bulletin below. It is available in the following languages: English, Français (French), Português (Portuguese), العربية ...
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ANZ -- As the month of March turned over, the Ismaili Civic volunteers took to their localities around Australia to clean and conserve the environment. Better together, they contributed around 150 hours towards the Ismaili Civic 15K pledge. On the first day of March, Ismaili Civic volunteers came together with the aim to make a positive impact on the local environment, ...
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Portugal -- A partir desta semana, todas as sextas-feiras o National Council e as Jamati Institutions irão promover um programa semanal em direto, para todo o Jamat de Portugal, Espanha e Angola. Junte-se a nós! Dada a impossibilidade de frequentarmos o Jamatkhana, as Instituições prepararam um programa que pretende dar a todo o Jamat da Jursidição Portuguesa a oportunidade de se ...
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Portugal -- Estão abertas as candidaturas para apoiar as instituições públicas e do setor solidário com atividade na área social e da saúde, durante a pandemia da doença COVID-19. Esta candidatura está aberta aos seguintes destinatários, com idades entre 18 e 60 anos:Desempregados, independentemente de estarem inscritos no IEFP, incluindo também os que sejam beneficiários de subsídio de desemprego, subsídio de ...
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Portugal -- Se calhar tinha uma viagem marcada...queria mesmo visitar aquele país, visitar aquela cidade e explorar todos os cantos, cafés, restaurantes e essencialmente conhecer... Mas, perante a situação atual em que nos encontramos, o mesmo não vai ser possível. Mas não desespere! Ainda não é possível conhecer todas as cidades virtualmente, mas e que tal embarcar numa visita guiada num ...
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Portugal -- Às vezes não sabemos como nos expressar. Queremos dizer, mostrar ou fazer entender algo, mas não conseguimos dizê-lo da maneira exatamente da maneira que queremos. Porém, sempre ouvimos dizer que uma imagem vale mais do que mil palavras. É assim que muita gente considera a expressão artística como um espelho da expressão humana, dos nosso pensamentos, ações, maneiras de ...
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Portugal -- Após um interregno de mais de 2 meses, as crónicas do jardim regressam num contexto de Estado de Emergência e isolamento social. Trata-se de uma situação nova para a maior parte de nós, que exige novos enquadramentos e respostas adequadas, por vezes difíceis. Mas, apesar de tudo, a primavera começou e podemos continuar a observar as novidades nos jardins ...
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Madagascar -- Avoir foi en Dieu signifie croire en la réalité et en l'Unicité de Dieu, qui est le Créateur et le Seigneur de l'univers, et qui a tout créé dans un but précis. Reconnaître l'Unicité de Dieu (tawhid), voilà un élément essentiel et fondamental de la foi musulmane. La foi contenue dans le Qur'an ne se résume pas à un ...
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UK -- The UK Government has provided guidance to those seeking benefits which has been disrupted due to coronavirus. Below is a summary of key important points. Changes to jobcentre appointments • People receiving benefits do not have to attend jobcentre appointments for at least 3 months, starting from Thursday 19 March 2020.• People will continue to receive their benefits as ...
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Portugal -- O nosso organismo tem uma capacidade natural de se regenerar, sendo capaz de eliminar células cancerosas, infeções e até retardar o processo de envelhecimento. Porém, este mecanismo só funciona quando o sistema nervoso se encontra relaxado. Para isso, deve verificar quais os sintomas que apresenta para avaliar o seu nível de stress:Sofre de dores nas costas e de cabeça;Dorme ...
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Portugal -- Pois é... Ainda é cedo para sabermos como vai terminar este "filme". Falta muito tempo, faltam muitos dias, faltam muitos dados. Ainda estamos, nós, cientistas, a tentar entender como se comporta este vírus, que "manhas" e estratégias ainda vai ele arranjar nesta luta que decidiu fazer contra o ser humano e já temos de antecipar o futuro. Sabemos que ...
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Kenya -- Read these great articles to help you think through your mental wellness: 1. Be Your Own First Responder 2. Self-care in uncertain times Coronavirus Anxiety Management Be Your Own First Responder Pandemics are fertile ground for those who suffer from anxiety. Here is an 8-step guide on how to manage anxiety: If you are suffering from anxiety, stay away ...
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Global -- The COVID-19 pandemic has swept the globe affecting virtually all aspects of our lives. The Aga Khan Health Board for Canada organised this webinar, discussing the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on various facets of our lives. ...
nofirstname ⋅ -- The Different Faces of COVID-19 - Gujarati Edition ...
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Global -- In January this year, the Ismaili Council for Syria presided over a talent performance of Jubilee Arts artists in Damascus, attracting over 800 people, including leaders and members of the Jamat and guests. In preparation for this special day of joy and optimism, members of the Jamat set out from various cities across Syria to attend the ceremony at ...
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Global -- Organised by the Aga Khan Youth and Sports Board Canada. ...
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Global -- Music has always been an integral part of the cultural fabric of Muslim societies. From Fatimid Cairo to the Iberian Peninsula, music has long brought people together, fostering a sense of identity and community. Around the world, young Ismaili musicians are continuing this rich tradition. At the Aga Khan Music Awards Prize-Giving Ceremony in Lisbon in 2019, Mawlana Hazar ...
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UK -- ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! Stay safe and smart during COVID-19 In uncertain times it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction, and certain fraudsters are using this opportunity to take advantage of Jamati members. Scams are coming in different shapes and sizes, from impersonating officials to investment fraud and fake emails or text messages. Now is the time ...
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Far East -- Message from President - 30 March 2020 Message for the Global Jamat - 29 March 2020 Weekly Announcements - 27 March 2020 ...
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UK -- Don't go anywhere without your Health Passport! The Health Passport contains key information about you, your medical condition and who to contact in the case of emergency Complete the easy-to-read table either digitally or in manuscript, save it to your phone, forward it to your next-of-kin and print it off to carry with you at all times. It can ...
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Portugal -- Mawlana Hazar Imam ha enviado un mensaje con bendiciones para el Jamat global, que comparte aquí Malik Talib, Chairman del Ismaili Leaders' International Forum. Con ocasión de Navroz, nuestro amado Mawlana Hazar Imam nos bendijo con un Talika Mubarak transmitiendo bendiciones especiales para Mushkil Asan y oraciones para nuestra salud y bienestar. Hoy, me complace compartir con vosotros que, ...
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France -- Mawlana Hazar Imam a fait parvenir un message contenant des bénédictions pour le Jamat global, partagé par Malik Talib, Chairman du Ismaili Leaders' International Forum. À l'occasion de Navroz, notre bien-aimé Mawlana Hazar Imam nous a bénis d'un Talika Mubarak transmettant ses bénédictions spéciales pour Mushkil Asan, ainsi que ses prières pour notre santé et notre bien-être. Aujourd'hui, j'ai ...