One Click Searches & Pro Tips

Search Ismaili Digest
Pro Searching Tips

Like Google, Ismaili Digest lets you search the full text of all content we link to. This means if you remember seeing something from Ismaili Digest you can search for it directly here and find it again.

Finding content published on a day or in a month

To search all content published today or yesterday add "[today]" or "[yesterday]" to your search term. Alternatively, enter "today" or "yesterday," by themselves, with nothing else.

To search all content published on a specific date or month, add the date to your search terms, spelling the month in full. If you do not specify a year, the current year will be used.

To find all content published on a specific date, search the date by itself, with no other keywords. For example, to find all content published:

Reviewing all content from a particular website or Ismaili Digest category

To quickly review all content from a particular website (such as or Simerg), or from an Ismaili Digest category (such as Ismaili Ignition or Off The Beaten Track), click on the grey website/category name under the image, or select the website/category from the menu.

Alternatively, in the search area, enter the category's name or abbreviation (listed below) surrounded by square brackets, by itself. For example, to review all content:

  • from the Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS), search for: [iis]
  • from The Ismaili - Nutrition Centre, search for: [food] or [nutrition]
Searching a specific website or source

To narrow searches to a specific website or source (like a YouTube channel), add the source name, enclosed in square brackets [], to your search terms. For example, to search all content:

To search for content from a specific source published on a specific date, add a date (as explained above) to your search terms. For example, to find:

To make it easier to search specific websites or sources, you can use the following abbreviations in place of the full source names:

  • Off The Beaten Track, Monday Madness, Tuesday's Teachings (From Life), Wednesday Wisdom:
  • Aga Khan Studs:
    [AK Studs] 
  • AKDN - AKAA - YouTube:
    [AKAA YouTube] 
  • AKDN - AKM - YouTube:
    [AKTCMI YouTube] 
  • AKDN - YouTube:
    [AKDN YouTube] 
  • Candid Insights with Sahil Badruddin:
  • Centre for Pluralism - YouTube:
    [GCP YouTube] 
  • Devotional Music RoundUp:
    [Music Roundup] 
  • Diamond Jubilee RoundUp:
    [DJ Roundup] 
  • RoundUp Video Series (all collections):
  • Friday Fotos:
  • Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS):
  • Ismaili Gnosis:
  • Ismaili Ignition:
  • Ismaili Medley:
  • Ismailimail:
  • Monday Madness:
  • NanoWisdoms:
  • NanoWisdoms - Extend. Quotes:
    [Nano EQ] 
  • NanoWisdoms - YouTube:
    [Nano YouTube] 
    [NanoWisdoms YouTube] 
  • News Flash for Digest + Ignition:
    [News Flash] 
  • Nimira's Blog - On Faith:
    [Nimira's Blog] 
    [Nimiras Blog] 
  • Off The Beaten Track:
    [Beaten Track] 
  • Saturday Series:
    [SatS][Sat S] 
  • The Ismaili:
  • The Ismaili - Nutrition Centre:
    [The Ismaili Nutrition Centre] 
    [Nutrition Centre] 
  • The Ismaili - YouTube:
    [The Ismaili YouTube] 
    [ YouTube] 
  • Tuesday's Teachings (From Life):
    [Tuesday's Teachings] 
    [Tuesdays Teachings] 
  • Wednesday Wisdom:
  • Recipes and More - YouTube:
    [R&M YouTube] 
    [Recipes and More YouTube]
Searching for YouTube videos

To search for all YouTube videos, no matter from which (channel), use "SOURCE LINK:" (with the double quotation marks). For example:

About Searching Ismaili Digest

Like Google, Ismaili Digest lets you search the full text of all content we link to. So, although we only publish 60-word digests, we do, however, cache the full content, like Google Search does, so now the community is able to search all the main Ismaili sites at one go. This means if you remember seeing something from Ismaili Digest you can search for it directly here and find it again.

For example, if you want to find out about Tajikistan, you can find what all the websites have without having to search each site individually.