Need for Research in Our History -- BoAI Vol #1
GOOGLE.COM -- I may mention here the name of a great Sunni Muslim theologian, Al-Ghazzali, whose writings debased the Ismailis in the eyes of Muslim world. His books namely, "Hujjat-ul-Haqq, Mufassil-ul-Khalif, Kasimul-Batinia, Muwahim-ul-Batinia and Mustazahiri", which he wrote against Ismaili teachings but have since disappeared, have been the cause of great friction between Sunnis and Ismailis. The readers of this article would be exceedingly surprised to learn that the author himself denounced all the books as being devoid of facts and reality in his famous work, "Jawahirul-Quran", which he compiled later. "Mustazahiri" was written by him, as he admits, at the instigation of Mustazahirbilah, Abbasid Khaliph, whose name the book indicates. When authors like Ghazzali could be hired and set against Ismailis by their ...