Talika Mubarak of Mawlana Hazar Imam, 13 December 2021 (Urdu)
Pakistan -- On the occasion of Salgirah, Mawlana Hazar Imam has graciously sent a Talika Mubarak to the global Jamat, which is being shared via The Ismaili. ...
Pakistan -- On the occasion of Salgirah, Mawlana Hazar Imam has graciously sent a Talika Mubarak to the global Jamat, which is being shared via The Ismaili. ...
Tajikistan -- On the occasion of Salgirah, Mawlana Hazar Imam has graciously sent a Talika Mubarak to the global Jamat, which is being shared via The Ismaili. ...
India -- On the occasion of Salgirah, Mawlana Hazar Imam has graciously sent a Talika Mubarak to the global Jamat, which is being shared via The Ismaili. ...
Global -- On the occasion of Salgirah, Mawlana Hazar Imam has graciously sent a Talika Mubarak to the global Jamat, which is being shared via The Ismaili. ...
Global -- On the occasion of Salgirah, Mawlana Hazar Imam has graciously sent a Talika Mubarak to the global Jamat, which is being shared via The Ismaili. ...
Portugal -- Mawlana Hazar Imam ha tenido la gentileza de enviar un Talika Mubarak al Jamat global, que se comparte a través de The Ismaili. 10 de diciembre de 2021 Mis amados hijos espirituales, Con motivo de mi cumpleaños, el 13 de diciembre de 2021, envío mis más cálidas y más afectuosas bendiciones amorosas paternales y maternales a todos mis queridos ...
UK -- Maulana Hazir Imam hat gütigerweise über The Ismaili eine Talika Mubaraka an die Weltgemeinde der Jamaat gesandt. Meine lieben geistlichen Kinder, Anlässlich meines Geburtstages am 13. Dezember 2021 übermittle ich an alle meine geliebten geistlichen Kindern auf der ganzen Welt meinen wärmsten und liebevollsten väterlich-mütterlichen Segen. In tiefer Liebe erteile ich meine besten Segenswünsche für die Seelen aller meiner ...
Portugal -- Mawlana Hazar Imam graciosamente enviou um Talika Mubarak ao Jamat global, que está a ser partilhado através do The Ismaili. 10 de dezembro de 2021 Meus amados filhos espirituais, Por ocasião do meu aniversário, a 13 de dezembro de 2021, envio as minhas mais calorosas e mais afetuosas bênçãos paternais e maternais a todos os meus amados filhos espirituais ...
Portugal -- En conmemoración de la memorable ocasión del 85º Salgirah Mubarak de nuestro querido Mawlana Hazar Imam, se presentó un humilde regalo en nombre del Jamat mundial como muestra de nuestra gratitud, amor y devoción. EnglishPortuguese El regalo consiste en un par de jarrones de porcelana fabricados en el siglo XIX en París, decorados con elaborados motivos islámicos persas, arabescos ...
#Speech made by His Highness the #AgaKhan at the Conference of Indigenous Philanthropy in Islamabad, Pakistan on 17 October 2000. Read the full speech here: For more about the Aga Khan Development Network, visit ...
Global -- On the occasion of his 85th birthday, Mawlana Hazar Imam spent time with members of his family. Hazar Imam's brother, Prince Amyn, and his four children -- Princess Zahra, Prince Rahim, Prince Hussain, and Prince Aly Muhammad -- were all with him to mark this happy milestone. In the images below, Hazar Imam is also seen holding one of ...
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement marking the birthday of His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan: "Today, we join millions of Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims in Canada ...
On the occasion of Salgirah, the Lisbon Ismaili Band presents a medley of selected Gujarati raasgeets. The lyrics of these well-known geets express the murids' joy and love for the Imam ...
Portugal -- Em comemoração da ocasião marcante do 85º Salgirah Mubarak do nosso amado Mawlana Hazar Imam, foi apresentado em nome do Jamat global um humilde presente como sinal da nossa gratidão, amor e devoção. English O presente consiste num par de vasos de porcelana feitos no século XIX em Paris, decorados com elaborados motivos islâmicos Persas, arabescos e flores estilizadas ...
Global -- In commemoration of the milestone occasion of our beloved Mawlana Hazar Imam's 85th Salgirah Mubarak, a humble gift was presented on behalf of the global Jamat as a token of our gratitude, love, and devotion. The gift comprises a pair of porcelain vases made in the nineteenth century in Paris, decorated with elaborate Islamic Persian motifs of gilt scrollwork, ...
As part of our series of Salgirah song releases, The Ismaili is pleased to present Girya O Zari, performed by Taufiq Karmali. The song is a request for our heartfelt wishes and prayers to be accepted, and for the strength to overcome difficulties. ...
Portugal -- Establecido por Mawlana Hazar Imam para el Jamat en los Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo, el nuevo Centro Ismailí representará el diálogo entre la fe y lo mundano, Oriente y Occidente, lo tradicional y lo contemporáneo y entre la humanidad y la naturaleza. [English] Tras muchos años de expectación, el 13 de noviembre de 2021 se presentaron ...
Portugal -- Spanish The Firefly and the Star A newborn star took in its little light hands a firefly that was flying in the spacious garden of the night. "You are so tiny," she said, "and your light is so weak."The firefly stopped on the leaf of a plum tree, lowering her head so that her sister would not know of ...
Portugal -- English La luciérnaga y la estrellaUna estrella recién nacida tomó entre sus manitas de luz a una luciérnaga que volaba en el espacioso jardín de la noche. "Eres tan pequeñita," le dijo "y tu luz es tan débil."La luciérnaga se detuvo sobre la hoja de un ciruelo, bajando la cabeza para que su hermana no supiera de su tristeza. ...
Portugal -- Muchos estudiosos sostienen hoy en día que la obra de Nicolás Copérnico - erudito ruso que revolucionó la Europa del siglo XVI al sostener que la tierra giraba alrededor del sol y no a la inversa - estaba muy en deuda con los avances en astronomía realizados por los eruditos musulmanes del siglo XIII Nasir al-Din al-Tusi y Mu'ayyad ...
Portugal -- Many scholars today considered that the work of Nicolaus Copernicus - the Russian polymath who revolutionised 16th century Europe by arguing that the earth revolved around the sun rather than vice-versa - was heavily indebted to the advances in astronomy made by the 13th century Muslim scholars Nasir al-Din al-Tusi and Mu'ayyad al-Din al-Urdi. Spanish Some modern scholars go ...
Global -- Beloved Flame, a musical compilation especially produced in celebration of Salgirah this year, follows in a long tradition of artistic expression, and promises something special for the Jamat to enjoy. To celebrate the 85th birthday of our beloved Mawlana Hazar Imam, The Ismaili is excited to present a special compilation of songs from The Ismaili Sounds collection into a ...
Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS)
News story -- We are excited to announce that, as part of its long-term digital strategy, the IIS's Department of Curriculum Studies has started a phased roll-out of the IIS Digital Curriculum (IISDC) e-book platform. The IISDC aims to make the curriculum materials published by the IIS available as e-books to pre-school, Ta'lim and Secondary Teacher Education Programme (STEP) teachers, and to ...
Selected verses from a poem titled Recognition of the Imam by Fida'i Khurasani: He is always present, a witness with his followers; but who has seen his beauty except the blessed? He who is the cupbearer of the fount of paradise, is aware altogether of the hearts of his followers. He is the Imam of the time, the guide and comforter, ...
Happy 85th Birthday Hazar Imam - Birthday Wishes ...
Happy 85th Birthday Hazar Imam - Gifts for our Imam ...
Syria -- مع إعلان منظمة الصحة العالمية مؤخراً, أن المتحور الجديد لفيروس كورونا المكتشف في جنوب افريقيا المسمى " أوميكرون " هو متحور مثير للقلق, إذ يحتوي على عدد كبير من الطفرات, مما قد ينتج عنه زيادة في خطر الإصابة به مرة أخرى, وتسجيل معدلات أسرع للعدوى. وفيما يحتاج تحديد فعالية اللقاحات والعلاجات لمواجهة المتحور الجديد أسابيع عدة بحسب منظمة الصحة ...
The Ismaili is pleased to present "Virtually Happy Birthday," performed by the Dhun Kids. In the song, young members of the Jamat express birthday wishes to the Imam-of-the-Time in their own special way. ...
The Ismaili is pleased to present "Virtually Happy Birthday," performed by the Dhun Kids. In the song, young members of the Jamat express birthday wishes to the Imam-of-the-Time in their own special way. ...
Global -- Featuring moving recitations of Ismaili devotional literature, beautiful visual animations, and light moments of laughter, a new short film prepared for the occasion of Salgirah promises something special for everyone to enjoy. As we prepare to celebrate Mawlana Hazar Imam's 85th birthday in festivity and happiness, make sure to tune in for Courage for the Journey, an all-volunteer production, ...
A Tribute to our Beloved Imam. His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan commemorating His glorious 85th Birthday! Composition & Lyrics - Iqbal Qureshi Vocals - Bhavya Pandit Track Produced - Mann ...
Thank you for the blessings of Jamat Khanas ...
The Prime Minister's Awards (Canada) for Teaching Excellence have honoured exceptional elementary and secondary school teachers in all disciplines since 1994, with over 1,600 teachers honoured to date. Teaching Excellence Awards ...
PART 2 -- In this two-part series we ask, "Are your values aligned with Hazar Imam's?" by looking at what are and are not our values. In Part 1 we looked at a fatal misunderstanding that prevents us from making the value judgments Hazar Imam insists we make. Here, in Part 2, we take a deep dive into relativism which Hazar Imam rejects unequivocally and which we feel is the #1 issue facing all faith-based communities, including ours, today. We explain what relativism is, its origins, how it surreptitiously infects society and why it is the source of almost all the issues not aligned with our faith's values that leads our youth to question our values. When faith is undermined, Hazar Imam says, "everything goes with it: the family, society, the individual, the intelligence." In this presentation we show how, after rejecting faith, relativism corrupts everything it touches: religion, morals and values, education, intelligence, and more.
Khorog, Tajikistan, 10 December 2021 - In a global, virtual event organised by the FAO in celebration of International Mountain Day, Dilshodbegim Khusravova - one of the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat's (AKAH) emergency response volunteers in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO), Tajikistan - was nominated the Mountain Partnership's first Youth Goodwill Ambassador. Ms Khusravova, a 21-year-old native of the Pamir Mountains, ...