VIDEO: Aga Khan Development Network | Quote of the Week
2021-10-19 ...
Compiled and prepared by MALIK MERCHANT (Publisher-EditorBarakah,Simerg, and Simergphotos) Mawlana Hazar Imam, His Highness the Aga Khan (left), and Secretary of State Colin Powell (d. October 18, 2021), touring Samarkand Square, one of the main pavillions set up on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to celebrate the weeklong Silk Road Festival that was launched on June 26, 2002. Photo: AKDN/Zahur ...
Global -- Prince Rahim attended a cultural celebration to mark the 30th anniversary of Tajikistan's independence, held at UNESCO's headquarters in Paris, in the presence of the President of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon. Prince Rahim attended a cultural celebration to mark the 30th anniversary of Tajikistan's independence, held at UNESCO's headquarters in Paris, in the presence of the President of Tajikistan, Emomali ...
USA -- As you may recall, on March 22, 2018, during his Diamond Jubilee visit to the United States, Mawlana Hazar Imam gave permission to start planning to build the seventh Ismaili Center in the world to be located in Houston, Texas. We are deeply grateful to Mawlana Hazar Imam for his oversight of this project and for visiting Houston in ...
Join us for the Aga Khan Foundation USA Town Hall, part of this year's 2021 Virtual Voyage campaign. We will explore how AKF is going the distance to help remote and hard-to-reach communities in Asia and Africa. We are excited for this opportunity for you to hear from AKF USA's leadership and staff, as well as some of our National Committee members responding ...
Join us for the Aga Khan Foundation USA Town Hall, part of this year's 2021 Virtual Voyage campaign. We will explore how AKF is going the distance to help remote and hard-to-reach communities in Asia and Africa. We are excited for this opportunity for you to hear from AKF USA's leadership and staff, as well as some of our National Committee members responding ...
Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS)
Events -- 8th November 2021 -- Join us for the launch of this long-awaited and highly anticipated volume "On Women", the second in An Anthology of Qur'anic Commentaries. Subscribe to monthly updates on academic research, news and publications from The Institute of Ismaili Studies. An Anthology of Qur'anic Commentaries, Volume II: On Women(Oxford University Press and The Institute of Ismaili Studies, November ...
Ginans are a vast collection of several hundred poetic compositions which have been a central part of the religious life of the Nizari Ismaili community of the Indian subcontinent that today ...
Global -- Mawlana Hazar Imam's guidance on building bridges to understand and learn from one another, and his emphasis on local participation in the promotion of peace and pluralism served as an inspiration for two recent initiatives held in Georgia, USA. Our Imam has often stressed the need for embracing pluralism as a key value for peace and development. In a ...
Strength does not lie in carrying heavy loads: a camel can do that. The essence of strength lies in taming your temper and your anger. -- Tradition of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.S.) from article How a Muslim Sees Muhammad by Michael Wolfe Compiled and prepared by MALIK MERCHANT (Publisher-Editor Simerg, Barakah, and Simergphotos) The Milad or Mawlid of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.S. ...
Global -- Every year, the third Thursday in October is designated as Conflict Resolution Day, a global event intended to promote the concept of peaceful conflict resolution. Mediation Week is also celebrated during the month of October. This month gives us an opportunity to reflect on how we can each play a part in creating a more peaceful, generous, and hopeful ...
Paris, France, 14 October 2021 - Prince Rahim Aga Khan attended a cultural celebration to mark the 30th anniversary of Tajikistan's independence, held at UNESCO's headquarters in Paris, in the presence of the President of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon. Prince Rahim conveyed His Highness the Aga Khan's warmest greetings and congratulations, and affirmed the Aga Khan Development Network's commitment to Tajikistan's peace ...
The latest meditation in the Aga Khan Museum/YMCA Mindfulness and Education series is about calming down and focusing in. Based on current science on the sleeplessness epidemic and other indications of information overload (in the general population), the discussion focuses on subjective experiences of excess arousal (wired) and insufficient restoration (tired). Mindfulness meditation provides a means of "resting the mind" while "letting go" ...
A partnership between the Aga Khan Foundation and the LEGO Foundation to transform education in the region and support the uptake and use if play-based learning methodologies. ...
In Mozambique, to address the major challenge of malnutrition, the #AgaKhan Foundation works with #rural families so that mothers can prepare their young children an enriched porridge that provides good #nutrition and helps prevent a multitude of health issues. ...
In Mozambique, to address the major challenge of malnutrition, the #AgaKhan Foundation works with #rural families so that mothers can prepare their young children an enriched porridge that provides good #nutrition and helps prevent a multitude of health issues. ...
From 2017 to 2021 the #AgaKhan Foundation, in collaboration with the Government of #Tanzania, civil society partners and local communities and with the financial support of Global Affairs Canada, undertook a project dedicated to improving the health of women, adolescent girls and children, and reducing maternal and newborn mortality in eight underserved districts of Mwanza, Tanzania. The US$ 11.6 million project - ...
From 2017 to 2021 the #AgaKhan Foundation, in collaboration with the Government of #Tanzania, civil society partners and local communities and with the financial support of Global Affairs Canada, undertook a project dedicated to improving the health of women, adolescent girls and children, and reducing maternal and newborn mortality in eight underserved districts of Mwanza, Tanzania. The US$ 11.6 million project - ...
Why was a gold Qur'an case in the Aga Khan Museum's Collection made to be so small? The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Courtney Stewart investigates in our latest Peer Perspective video for the #MuseumWithoutWalls. A senior research assistant with The Met's Department of Islamic Art, Stewart pores over the intricate detailing on this 4.7 cm-by-3.9 cm wonder from 11th-century Egypt. As you'll ...
The sixth Fatimid Caliph and sixteenth Ismaili Imam Abu 'Ali Mansur, succeeded his father Imam 'Aziz (r. 975-96) at the age of eleven on 14 October 996 with the caliphal title of al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah ('Ruler by God's Command'). The first Fatimid ruler to have been born in Egypt, Mawlana al-Hakim worked to extend the da'wa outside the Fatimid domains especially ...
Portugal -- De modo a celebrar mais um aniversário e a enaltecer e agradecer o serviço dos voluntários, a semana de 23 a 29 de outubro vai ser-lhes dedicada. Ser voluntário e o sentido de servir com humildade e dedicação, fazem parte da nossa fé e da nossa tradição. Apesar dos desafios pessoais e profissionais e das exigências do dia-a-dia, os ...
Portugal -- Azhar Andani é Ismaili, natural da Índia, e mudou-se recentemente para Portugal. English Desde pequeno que Azhar Andani sempre praticou críquete e o seu sonho era ser jogador profissional para uma equipa na Índia. Quando chegou a Portugal, ultrapassou vários desafios e aos 27 anos viu o seu sonho ser realizado quando foi escolhido para jogar na Seleção Nacional ...
Portugal -- Azhar Andani is an Ismaili from India who recently moved to Portugal. Portuguese Since he was little, Azhar Andani always played cricket and his dream was to be a professional player for a team in India. When he arrived in Portugal, he overcame several challenges and at 27 he saw his dream come true, when he was chosen to ...
Over the centuries, Ismaili thinkers have engaged with diverse theological and philosophical systems. They were "comfortable in expressing key concepts related to revelation within a wide range of contexts. In the ...
The Ismaili Council for the Southeastern USA and Rotary Club of Gwinnett County commemorated the International Day of Peace with a Peace & Unity program. Keisha Lance Bottoms, Mayor of Atlanta, delivered the keynote address, and Dr. Mahmoud Eboo, AKDN Diplomatic Representative to Canada, served as a distinguished speaker. Attendees included Rotarians, and government, faith, and community leaders. ...
In the Kyrgyz Republic, small businesses, including a leather shoe company called Cobbler, are finding support in USAID and AKF's Enhancing Employability and Civic Engagement of Youth (EECEY) project, also known as Demilgeluu Jashtar. Demilgeluu Jashtar is helping expand job opportunities for young people and stem the flow of migration by providing youth with sought-after job skills through leadership training, business acceleration programs, ...
Deux top prices à Tattersalls pour l'étalon de Gilltown Stud. A wonderful year on the track for SEA THE STARS was matched in the sales ring in Tattersalls this week when a son and daughter of the Tsui family's champion were top priced colt and filly in Book 1. Leading the way at 1.2 million gns was the imposing son of ...
The term 'Islamic art' generally refers to the arts of all Islamic cultures and not necessarily created by or for Muslims. The term does not refer to a particular style or period, but covers a broad scope, encompassing the arts produced in Muslim regions from Spain to India during the past fourteen centuries. In the medieval Muslim regions, ceramic production achieved ...
A portrait of Prince Rahim Aga Khan taken in 1979 when he was 8 years old. Photo: Bahadur Hirji/Ilm, December 1979, Vol 5. Nos. 2 & 3, published by UK Ismailia Association (now ITREB) Introduced and Compiled by MALIK MERCHANT (Publisher-Editor, Barakah, Simerg and Simergphotos) Many fond memories come to mind as we think of Prince Rahim, eldest son of Mawlana Hazar ...
Global -- Mawlana Hazar Imam has graciously sent a Talika Mubarak to the global Jamat, which is being shared via The Ismaili. ...
Global -- Mawlana Hazar Imam has graciously sent a Talika Mubarak to the global Jamat, which is being shared via The Ismaili. ...
Portugal -- Mawlana Hazar Imam generosamente nos ha enviado un Talika Mubarak al Jamat global, que se comparte a través de The Ismaili. 7 de octubre de 2021 Mis amados hijos espirituales, Con ocasión de un reciente mulaqat con mis principales líderes Jamat para revisar sus informes sobre el trabajo y las actividades en curso del Jamat, envío mis cálidas y ...
UK -- Mawlana Hazar Imam has graciously sent a Talika Mubarak to the global Jamat, which is being shared via The Ismaili. 7. Oktober 2021 Meine lieben geistlichen Kinder, Zum Anlass einer kürzlich abgehaltenen mulaqat mit meinen hochrangigen Jamati-Führern, in deren Rahmen wir deren Berichte über die aktuelle Arbeit und die Aktivitäten der Jamaat besprachen, übermittle ich allen meinen geliebten geistlichen ...
India -- જગતભરની જમાતને એક મુબારક તાલીકાની નવાજેશ ફરમાવેલ છે, જેને ધી ઇસ્માઈલી મારફત શેર કરવામાં આવેલ છે. ...
Portugal -- Mawlana Hazar Imam enviou graciosamente um Talika Mubarak para o Jamat global, que está a ser partilhado através do The Ismaili. 7 de outubro de 2021 Meus amados filhos espirituais,Por ocasião do recente mulaqat com os meus líderes seniores do Jamat, para rever os seus relatórios sobre o trabalho e actividades atuais do Jamat, envio as minhas mais calorosas ...
France -- Mawlana Hazar Imam a gracieusement envoyé au Jamat mondial un Talika Mubarak qui est partagé via The Ismaili. Le 7 octobre 2021 Mes chers enfants spirituels, A l'occasion d'un récent mulaqat avec mes seniors Jamati leaders pour examiner leurs rapports concernant les activités et travaux Jamati en cours, j'envoie mes plus chaleureuses et mes plus affectueuses tendres bénédictions paternelles ...
Global -- Mawlana Hazar Imam has graciously sent a Talika Mubarak to the global Jamat, which is being shared via The Ismaili. English | français | Português | العربية | فارسی | ગુજરાતી | Русский | اردو | Tочики | Deutsche | Español 7th October 2021 My dear spiritual children, On the occasion of a recent mulaqat with my senior Jamati ...