VIDEO: Kem Cho and Salman Ali: 4th July at 8:30 pm
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Global -- Making Paradise: Exploring the Concept of Eden through Art and Islamic Garden Design is the latest exhibition at the Aga Khan Centre Gallery in London, UK. In this interview, its curator Esen Salma Kaya gives an insight into the multi-sensory show, the diverse artists involved, and planning it "from the heart." Esen Salma Kaya, curator of the Aga Khan ...
Portugal -- Sadiq Kassamo tem 47 anos, é casado, tem uma filha e é empresário na área da hotelaria, em Lisboa. Aos 35 anos começou a sentir pontadas no coração, devido ao stress no trabalho. Na altura, trabalhava cerca de 80 horas por semana. Conheça a sua história e saiba como a adoção de um estilo de vida mais saudável e ...
Portugal -- À medida que a idade vai avançando, o corpo pode começar a reagir tardiamente aos comandos do cérebro, gerando sentimentos de desespero e de angústia pela impotência sentida. Estes receios são normais, mas não podemos deixar que se instalem e "paralisem" o nosso quotidiano. English É bastante provável que, em algum momento da nossa vida, já tenhamos tido um ...
Portugal -- Established in 1967, the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) brings together human, financial and technical resources to address the challenges faced by the poorest and most marginalised communities in the world. Special emphasis is placed on investing in human potential, expanding opportunity and improving the overall quality of life. THEMATIC AREAS AND OBJECTIVES AKF works primarily in six areas with ...
UAE -- Financial Literacy Series Part 2 (Understanding & Managing Your Debt) ...
France -- Prévention des violences conjugales et domestiques ...
UAE -- Mawlana Hazar Imam often emphasizes the importance of educating our youth in order to ensure that young leaders of our community approach the future well-informed and with an open mind. Our community strives to do this by ensuring that youth are constantly engaged in activities and events that encourage the broadening of their perspectives. The unusual circumstances upon us ...
Nascido em Lisboa, Portugal, em 1978, Samir desde cedo se interessou pelo fantástico. Daí que se tenha dedicado de alma e coração a este imaginário, escrevendo e produzindo BD's. Venha conhecer um pouco mais sobre o Samir. Licenciou-se em Línguas Modernas, Literatura e Tradução e tirou, também, um curso de italiano no Instituto Italiano di Cultura. Para além de tradutor é ...
TKN -- For the past six years, the Aga Khan University-Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations (AKU-ISMC) has been breaking new ground in digital methods to study the written heritage of the Islamic tradition. The University at present runs projects funded by the European Research Council and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation that involve building a collection of Arabic texts ...
France -- AKEB a le plaisir de vous partager, dans cet article, certains outils de soutien destinées aux élèves et aux étudiants. 1. Bourse AKEB Le Board Education a le plaisir d'annoncer l'ouverture de la campagne des demandes de bourse pour la rentrée 2021-2022. Cette bourse est destinée uniquement aux étudiants résidant de façon permanente dans la juridiction de France, Suisse, ...
#Speech by His Highness the #AgaKhan at the Dushanbe Fresh Water Forum in #Tajikistan on 30 August 2003. Read the full speech here: ...
ANZ -- The Ismaili Community in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea as well as globally wish to congratulate Karim Sumar AM, President of the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslim Council for his recent appointment as a member (AM) of The Order of Australia, for his significant service to the Ismaili Muslim Community, and the Convenience Retail Industry. President Karim AM was ...
A conversation with Ali Velshi -- a television journalist at MSNBC and a senior economic and business correspondent for NBC News. He discusses his insights on Media Bubbles and Echo-Chamber, minority voices in the media, critical thinking, Muslim perception, leadership, Journalism, Civic Engagement, and vision for the future. ...
Courtney Stewart, senior research assistant in the Department of Islamic Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, presents a precious and notable object from the Aga Khan Museum Collection. Providing a glimpse into the opulence of India's elite classes of the past, this perfume or snuff bottle was made in the 17th or 18th century, during the Mughal Empire, a period of ...
"Central to my life has been a verse in the Holy Quran which addresses itself to the whole of humanity. It says: "Oh Mankind, fear your Lord, who created you of a single soul, and from it created its mate, and from the pair of them scattered abroad many men and women..." I know of no more beautiful expression about the ...
In his 2015 address at the International New York Times Athens Democracy Forum, Mawlana Hazar Imam suggested four elements that could help strengthen democracy's effectiveness in meeting its central challenge of improving the quality of its constituents' lives. One of those elements is improved constitutional understanding. In recognition of US Independence Day, join the Ismaili Council for the Southeastern USA for a ...
Cris Derksen and Moe Clark are featured in a performance from the Museum's temporary gallery Sanctuary exhibition. Inspired by the exhibition, they perform 'Refuge in Truth' a piece that looks at notions of displacement and alienation and how memory can help reclaim the space of belonging and connection. Moe Clark is a âpihtawikosisâniskwêw artist who fuses together vocal improvisation with multilingual lyricism to create ...
#Speech delivered by His Highness the #AgaKhan, Chancellor of the University of Central Asia (@ucentralasia ), delivered at the University's first convocation ceremony on 19th June 2021. For more about the #UCA: ...
Global -- Against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains, the University of Central Asia celebrated the achievements of its inaugural cohort of graduates: the Class of 2021. A live-streamed convocation brought together students, family members, faculty, and well-wishers across multiple countries and time zones around the world. In an historic occasion, graduands and faculty dressed in UCA's academic regalia took part in ...
Mawlana Hazar Imam, His Highness the Aga Khan, will deliver a virtual address at the University of Central Asia's first-ever convocation on Saturday June 19, 2021 that is expected to commence shortly (8AM Toronto Time). Watch on UCA Website: Click HERE or on Image Below _______________________________ Watch on Ismaili TV: Click HERE or on Image Below Date posted: June 19, 2021. ...
#Speech delivered by Firoz Rasul, Vice Chancellor of the @Aga Khan University at the Charter Granting Ceremony and Inauguration of the #AKU's new University Centre in Nairobi, Kenya, 11 June 2021. For more about the #AgaKhan University: ...
#Speech delivered by His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya and the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces, at the Charter Granting Ceremony and Inauguration of the #AKU's new University Centre in Nairobi, Kenya, 11 June 2021. For more about the #AgaKhan University: ...
USA -- One of Latif Nasser's favorite childhood memories is of his father bursting into his room in the morning and giving him an animated summary of every story in the newspaper. "I was young and didn't understand any of it," said Latif. "But, that helped me realize that the world is an interesting place, and there's so much exciting stuff ...
France -- Over time, Islamic traditions in general have developed a deep sense of devotion around the figure of the Prophet as the ideal man of faith. In the Ismaili tradition in particular, this devotion to the Prophet as well to his progeny and to the Imam of the Time, is reflected in qasidas, maddah and ginans . Ginans are hymns ...
France -- Au cours des siècles, les traditions musulmanes ont développé un profond sentiment de dévotion autour de la personne du Prophète Muhammad (que la paix soit sur lui) en tant qu'homme de foi idéal. Dans la tradition ismailie, en particulier, cette dévotion envers le Prophète et sa famille et envers l'Imam-du-Temps, se reflète dans les qasidas et les ginans. Les ...
"Students of world history remind us how Central Asia, a thousand years ago, "led the world" in trade and investment, in urban development, in cultural and intellectual achievement. This was the place that leading thinkers from around the known world would look to for leadership. What were the latest breakthroughs in astronomy or mathematics, in chemistry or medicine, in philosophy or ...
A Service Berry tree at Aga Khan Park that had the largest bulk of the fruit as of June 16, 2021, with the Ismaili Jamatkhana dome in the background. Photo: © Malik Merchant/Simergphotos. By MALIK MERCHANT (Publisher-Editor, Barakah, Simerg and Simergphotos) I hoped to learn something about the fruit bearing trees in front of the Aga Khan Museum, but they are not ...
University of Central Asia: From 1998 to 2000 to 2016 to 2021 Prepared and Compiled by MALIK MERCHANT (Publisher-Editor, Barakah, Simerg and Simergphotos) [Several months before Mawlana Hazar Imam's Diamond Jubilee year began on July 11, 2017, Barakah compiled countless speeches that he had delivered since becoming the Imam in 1957 from multiple internet sources (including AKDN,, Nanowisdoms), printed speech ...
Aga Khan Studs draft offers racing and breeding promise. Updates and top families for Arqana Sale Aga Khan Studs draft offers racing and breeding promise. The Aga Khan Studs' consignment for the forthcoming Arqana Summer Sale on 1st July is composed of 13 three-year-olds with rich potential for a future in the paddocks, on the flat or over jumps. Two entries ...
Portugal -- O Aga Khan Health Board (AKHB) for Portugal assinou um protocolo com a Fundação Champalimaud, com condições especiais para os membros da Comunidade Muçulmana Ismaili. O que é a Fundação Champalimaud? A Fundação Champalimaud, formalmente conhecida por Fundação D. Anna de Sommer Champalimaud e Dr. Carlos Montez Champalimaud, é uma instituição que desenvolve investigação em áreas de ponta da ...
Pakistan -- Izzat Bibi from Hunza, Azima Dhanjee from the Karachi and Farida Kanwal, also from the Karachi, will serve under the Chairmanship of Usman Dar, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister on Youth Affairs. Their responsibility includes empowering young people in the country who have been deprived of economic opportunities aiming to create more sustainable livelihoods for all. Izzat Bibi ...
Pakistan -- Rising Stars is a platform that identifies and celebrates the achievements of young Jamati leaders. Ismaili youth, who are residents of Pakistan, and aged under 29, can apply to be a Rising Star in one of the following categories: Civic Service (including Guides and Scouts), Entrepreneurship, Music and Arts, Sports, Leadership/Ambassadorship, Academics, Science and Technology, Media, etc. If you ...
Global -- Mawlana Hazar Imam will deliver a virtual address at the University of Central Asia's first-ever convocation on 19 June. The ceremony will honour the first class of undergraduate students at the School of Arts and Sciences and will be livestreamed from the University campuses in Khorog, Tajikistan and Naryn, Kyrgyzstan. The Governors of Naryn and Gorno Badakhshan will be ...
#Speech by His Highness the #AgaKhan at the inauguration ceremony of the #AgaKhanPark in Toronto, Canada, 25 May 2015. Read the full speech here: ...
Pakistan -- Young Ambassadors Programme (YAP) offers a life changing experience to work on meaningful projects with AKDN agencies and contribute towards transforming the quality of life of people in Pakistan. YAP is an initiative of Youth Coordination Forum (YCF), Council for Pakistan. Key FeaturesThree-week field assignment with an AKDN agencyExposure visits to various AKDN projectsProfessional development sessions with industry expertsIn-person ...
USA -- Senior life is complicated, made even worse by a situation of limited mobility, due to dependency factors such as lack of skills to drive, which restricts an individual's ability to engage socially, and creates barriers to community engagement. Anar Gulamali has served the Jamat with a smile since 2006. In her years of service, she held several honorary service ...
by MALIK MERCHANTPublisher/Editor Simerg, Barakah andSimergphotos Simerg's series entitled "Books by Ismaili Authors" continues with Canadian writer Nargis Fazal's book "Coughdrops". We follow the same Q/A format as our recent presentations of books written by Nazlin Rahemtulla, Azmina Suleman, Alnasir Rajan, Shafeen Ali, Mansoor Ladha, Zeni Shariff and Shamas Nanji. We invite Ismaili authors around the world to participate in this ...
Nairobi, Kenya, 11 June 2021 - The Aga Khan University (AKU) received its Charter from President Uhuru Kenyatta and inaugurated its new US$ 50 million (Ksh 5 billion) state-of-the-art University Centre in the President's presence on Friday at a ceremony featuring an address by His Highness the Aga Khan. Professor Chacha Nyaigotti-Chacha, Chairman of the Commission for University Education, and AKU ...